A Rescue, A Lesson, And An Unexpected Answer

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Miranda's pov

Dad hasn't said a word since we got in the truck and started the drive. We just crossed into Georgia. "Dad, where's Taylor?" "Still at buck commander. I left to figure out what was going on with Sierra." He says, taking a turn. "How are we even gonna get Rachel out?" He smiles. "Leave that to me, girls. And when we get there, Sierra you keep your head down." "Yes sir." I glance nervously at my best friend. What's gonna happen? She wipes the tears from her eyes. We get to their house and he tells us to stay in the truck with the doors locked. I'm so worried.

Jason's pov

I knock on the door and when he answers, I'm shocked to see Jessica and Danny here. What are they doing here? "Hey, uh I was wondering if Rachel could come to my place for a sleepover with Miranda?" "No. She's grounded." I bet. "For what?" "None of your damn business!" Ok that's it.

Miranda's pov

Dad grabs his shirt, shoving him inside! Oh my God! Me and Sierra stare at each other shocked.

Jason's pov

"I tried being the nice guy. But not anymore pal, where is she?" I withdrew my pistol and Jessica screams in surprise. "Let her go. I know you're abusing them!" "Wait, do you know where Sierra is?" Jess asks. I ignore her. If I take my focus off him, he's gonna pull something. "Where's Rachel?" I growl. Just as I say her name, she walks out of the other room, crying. "What are you doing here, Jessica?" "Same as you. To help Rachel." "Don't you move." I gripe, keeping my gun pointed at him. "And Sierra's safe with me." I say. "Rachel, go to my truck." "Don't move girl." He says, instantly. I dig my pistol deeper into his throat. "You shut your damn mouth or so help me God, I'll pull the trigger! Jessica, take her to my truck." They leave along with Danny. I keep my gun pointed at him. "If you follow me or hurt Jessica you're gonna regret it!" I get outside. "What are you doing?" Jess asks. I'm not even sure yet. "I don't know yet. Got any ideas?" She glances at the kids. "They can't stay here in Macon. He could try to take them back." "I was thinking the same thing. Unless Mr. Suit and tie could fight him off." I mutter, nodding my head toward Danny. "He's not like you, Jason." "I know that. So I don't know if you're safe if that asshole tries to mess with y'all." He rolls his eyes. "Why do you care?" What? That's a nutty question! "Of course I care Jessica. For one, I don't want my daughter to lose her mother. For another thing, I know we aren't still together but that doesn't stop me from loving you. So do I have reason to worry or can he protect you?" "Mom?" I turn around, surprised.

Miranda's pov

They all look at me. I run over and hug mom. "Please come back with us. You'll be safe." I whimper. "I'll be fine, honey." "No you won't. Just listen to me! Please, you know he'll come after you to get to Rachel and Sierra." "At least let me teach you to shoot a gun. We never got around to doing it back then." Dad says, making me wish they never separated. "I can settle for that." I smile gladly. I won't have to worry about her as much.

Jason's pov

We go back to Jessica's house. "You girls stay inside." I set up some targets. I don't like the idea of Danny being around my daughter but there's not much I can do about it. I show her how to hold it and aim. "Thanks for helping with the girls." "Of course. I don't tolerate abuse." I say, pulling out my pistol and pointing it at the targets. "Keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to shoot." "Like this?" I smile. "Yep, just like that." Man, I missed her. "Ok fire." She hits the target on point. "Great job girl!" She smiles. "I did it!" "You did!" We lock eyes, her smile fades and she clicks the safety back on. "Thanks for this." She mumbles, rubbing her arm, nervously. "Y-Yeah you're welcome." I set my gun down and take hers. "Jason, I-" "You don't have to say anything." "But-" I cut her off with a kiss, my arms wrapping around her waist as if by instinct. Her hands rest against my chest. I may be with Taylor but I'd let her go in a heartbeat to be with Jessica again. "Come back to Nashville with me." I whisper, breathless from the kiss. "You know I can't. I'm with Danny." "And I'm with Taylor but I'd give it up instantly for you." "Just let me go, Jason." "You know I can't do that." "Let go!" I fight back the tears and let her go. "I'm sorry." She whispers crying. "No, it's me who should be sorry. We wouldn't even be in this mess if I didn't act like a selfish idiot back then. I wouldn't have missed Miranda's whole childhood, I wouldn't have been so lonely without you and her, I wouldn't have lost you." "I-I have to go..... Pack." Huh? "Wait, what?" She smiles. "If I'm going to Nashville, I should pack." "Wait, you're coming?"

Miranda's pov

I look out the window, worried. But what I see makes my jaw drop. Mom and dad are..... Kissing!!

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