Like Father Like Daughter

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Jason's pov

When I get up, she's still asleep. I smile and go to work making breakfast.

Miranda's pov

I wake up, smelling bacon and eggs. I smile and retie the band at my waist on my sweats. I rub the sleep from my eyes and run a brush through my hair. I walk out to the living room and dad is making breakfast. I smile from ear to ear and sit down at the table. He puts a plate down in front of me. "Mom left huh?" I ask, picking up a fork. "Yeah... But I'm sure she'll be back soon." He says sitting down too. "Do we have any plans today?" He smiles and gives me that I have a surprise look. "What is it?" I ask, already getting excited. "You ready to see what your old man does for a living?" My eyes go wide. "Yes!" I shout jumping up. He laughs. "Finish your breakfast first, princess." I blush and sit back down, eating in record time then rushing to get ready.

Jason's pov

Oh man, that girl. I'm so glad she's back in my life. I finish eating then get ready, putting on my cowboy hat. "Ready to go darlin'?" I call. "Just a sec!" I wait by the door. "I can't decide blue shirt or striped red shirt." She says, walking out. I laugh. "Either's fine baby girl." "Aw! Dad that ain't helpin' me decide." Wow she's got the same southern comfort accent as me. "You got yourself an accent." I say, pointing at her. "Well I am a Georgia girl." "Oh so Jess moved back home." I mumble to myself. She picks a shirt and we get in my truck. "You said back home a second ago." She says. I glance at her and she looks like she's thinking hard. "Born and raised in good ol Macon Georgia. I moved to Nashville to follow my dreams. Baby girl, one thing to always follow, never give up on your dreams, no matter what someone is telling you. Never give up." She's still got that thinking hard face. "What ya thinkin' about hun?" She stares out the windshield looking lost. "Hun, you okay?" "Y-Yeah." We get to the studio. I stare at her worriedly. We go inside. She stays pressed to my side, holding my hand. I wonder what's wrong with her. Man, I just realized I'm really inexperienced when it comes to kids. Mike walks over. "Hey man, who's the girl?" He asks, pointing. "My daughter. I'm going for full custody next week." "She's old enough to be left at home. Why'd you bring her here?" "I wanted to and she wanted to come... Plus I've already put my dreams before my girls before and I don't wanna do that anymore." "Girls?" "My girlf- well her mom." He finally backs off and I get into the studio to record.

Miranda's pov

I wish I could be like dad. I wanna sing like he does. But my stage fright will make it impossible, I might as well give up now. But then I remember what he said. Don't give up on your dreams. I mouth along to the song. His friend walks over. "Who are you?" I ask. "The name's Mike. I'm Jas- your dad's manager." I nod, keeping my eye on dad. "You wanna try?" He asks, catching me by surprise. "Try? What do you mean?" "You wanna record something?" Whoa!! "I can do that?!" I gasp, shocked. He smiles and nods. "Follow me."

Jason's pov

I stop short and flip off the recorder. What's he up to? "Mike, what are you doing?" I call, opening the door. No reply. What's he doing with Miranda?! I rush out the door and down the hall. My eyes go wide, hearing her sing. She's got the most angelic singing voice. I follow it and Mike stands staring at her jaw dropped. "Wow, Jay she's amazing!" He gasps. I smile, my hands on my hips. "What can I say? She takes after her father." I say, smiling. "On 2,000 country stations yeah we're one big country nation that's right." She sings a Brad Paisely hit. She finished that one. Mike turns off the recorder. "What do you wanna sing next?" She looks at me. "It's a surprise." She says, smiling. Hm, what's she up to? "Goin' through my closet the other day, found an old yearbook and flipped right to the page of that senior trip...." Wow she's singing my song. Tears fill my eyes and she finishes that and runs out and hugs me. I wrap my arms tight around her. "I never wanna leave." She whispers. "And you never have to princess. I love you so much." "I love you too dad." I am so happy. "I'm so glad to have you here with me baby girl." Mike walks back in. "Miranda, how would you like a spot here at broken bow to be a singer?" My eyes go wide. So does hers. "Would I!" "No way! She's still in high school!" I gasp. "But dad-" "No you have to finish school first. Trust me, you don't wanna start as a teen. There's a lot of stress sometimes even an adult can't handle." "But I wanna be a singer like you!" "And you can. I'd love that but you have to finish school first." "I don't wanna go to school!" "Hey it's okay, the position will still be open after you graduate. Jason's right, you should listen to him." "B-But-" "No buts. I know what I'm talkin' about here." "But I want to do this!" She's just as stubborn as me. "After school. Come on. Let's head on home." She glares out the window, not talking to me the whole ride home. "You aren't really mad at me are ya?" She still won't talk to me. We get home and she goes to her room. I sigh. This parenting thing is harder than I thought. I go to her door and open it. She sits on her bed, pissed off, arms crossed over her chest. "Sweetheart, it's a dog eat dog world out there." "I wanna be a singer too! Why won't you let me?" I fight back the tears and sit on the bed beside her. "I'm glad you want to be. But you need to finish your education first. I did." "You did?" I smile and nod. "Yep, graduated high school with your mama by my side." "I wish you guys didn't have a falling out." She mumbles, sighing. I hug her tight. "I regret it everyday cause I never got to see my little girl grow up into the beautiful young woman she is now. Please don't be mad at me sweetheart, you can be a singer as soon as you graduate. Mike'll keep your spot for ya. Trust me, you'll regret not finishing high school." "Why?" "Just take it from the guy that knows a lot about the music biz and having regrets." She finally looks at me again. "Oh alright, I'll go to school." I smile. "That's my girl. Now, let's go eat some dinner, I'm starved." She laughs. "You're always hungry dad." I laugh too and we go eat dinner.

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