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Jason's pov

I wish she was here. I miss waking up and making her breakfast. I walk to her room, tears in my eyes and my fifth beer in my hand. I spot the CD she mad at the studio. I put it in the player and hearing her voice makes me so mad. "You should be here!" I shout. In my blind rage, I flip the coffee table and punch the mirror. "I want her here with me!"

Miranda's pov

Me and James were making out in my room. "Your dad's awesome." He says. I smile. "He sure is. Without him, we never would've met." Then I just left him! I'm such a horrible daughter. I'm going back to Nashville. Mom's out shopping. I leave a note for her. "Come on." I say. "Where are we going?" He gasps, confused. "I'm going home."

Jason's pov

I wake up on the couch, badly hungover, my head pounding. I sit up, holding my in pain head. "Oh man, what happened last night?" I mumble, squinting from my hangover. "Dad?" There I go hearing her voice again. "Daddy, I changed my mind. I wanna live here with you!" Wait? Is that really her? I glance around the trashed living room. I open the door and walk out, closing it behind me. "Look who I found at the bus stop!" Kelly says, clapping her hands. Miranda throws her arms around my waist in a hug. "W-What?" "I changed my mind!" Tears of happiness and relief fill my eyes and I bend down on my knees wrapping my arms around my little girl. "I missed you so much."

*later that night*

I took Miranda and James out and thankfully Kelly said she'd fix the house that I destroyed. We get back home. "This is my home." She says, hugging me. "Goodnight sweetheart." I say, gladly. She goes to bed and I go to mine. Kelly hugs me, my arms wrap around her. "Thanks for tonight baby. I didn't want her to see that." "It was no problem." I go to sleep with a heavy heart and mind.

*in his dream*

I'm back in Macon begging Jessica to give me one more chance. "Please baby, I regret it every day!" I cry at her feet. Somehow Miranda is five now and hiding behind Jessica. "Jason for one thing, you're drunk off your ass for another thing I have a new boyfriend." "Make the scary man go away!" She whimpers, hiding her face in Jessica's skirt. Oh man! "No baby girl, it's me, your daddy. Don't be afraid of me!" I gasp, beggingly. But she screams and runs away.

*he wakes up*

I wake up screaming. My God! That was the most vivid nightmare I've ever had! Why do I get the feeling that it wasn't just a dream. She said I was drunk. Oh man, I hope I didn't really do that! I call Jessica then wince seeing it's 3AM. Thank Goodness she answers anyway. "What the fuck?! Why are you calling me at 3:00 in the damn morning!?" She shouts. "I.... I'm sorry. I just.... I need to know. When Miranda was five, did I come over drunk begging you to take me back?" The line is silent and for a second I thought she hung up. "What made you bring that up after all these years?" Crud. I lower the phone. It did happen. I sit on the floor in the kitchen my head in my hands. I hear Jessica calling me. I shakily put the phone back to my ear. "I... I had a dream about it. I'm sorry Jess." "Jason, it was ten years ago. I'm not still mad." I can feel the tears rain down my cheeks. "But I scared her. She said make the scary man go away. I scared my little girl." "She doesn't even remember it!" "But I do!" "I want you to do exactly as I tell you." She says, confusing me. "Okay." "Walk to her room." I shakily stand up, leaning on the counter. "Why do-" "Just do it!" "Alright I'm goin'!" I walk to her room, my hand shaking. She's asleep with James beside her. "She's happy. There is no reason to be afraid of something that happened ten years ago! She hitchhiked to get to you.... Twice! She loves you Jason." I smile, wiping the tears from my eyes. "Y-Yeah you're right, Jess, thanks so much. You sure raised our daughter well." I drop the phone to the ground and sit on the couch. Regrets been known to give a man a beating. I glance back at her room. Jess is right. I shouldn't worry about something that happened ten years ago. I put my head in my hands. I'll always regret picking my career over my girls. I miss her so much. "Daddy?" "Oh shit!" I cry, standing up caught off guard. She laughs. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." Her smile fades. "Dad, were you.... Crying?" Oh jeez. "No of course not." She sits on the couch and I sit back down beside her. "You're not very good at lying about stuff." She says. I sigh. "Fine I was crying. I just miss your mom." I admit. She hugs me, her head against my chest. "I don't like Danny. He's a Dumbass who says I should call him Daddy Danny." I smile. "You are so my daughter." I say, gladly. "And I wouldn't want it any other way." She says. A few minutes later, she's back to sleep so I lay her in her bed then go lay down myself.

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