Proving His Love

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Miranda's pov

We just got home from dad's tour. Me and James were hanging out in my room. "I love you more." He whispers. I giggle. "No, I love you more." I say. He taps my nose. "No, I love you more."

Jason's pov

Those kids man. I laugh to myself and go out back with my bow. I gotta practice before the new season of buck commander comes on. I can see them through the window. Those crazy kids. Taylor walks out, her hair in a long blonde ponytail. "What are you up to?" She asks. I smile and load my bow. "Target practice." She puts a hand on my shoulder. "You have such strong arms." I smirk and lower my bow.

Miranda's pov

I walk into the backyard where Dad and Taylor are hanging out. "Hey dad!" I call, cupping my hands around my mouth. He turns around and takes off his sunglasses. "What's up?" "Me and James wanna go out. Is that alright?" "Yeah. Just keep an eye out on your surroundings. I know I don't have to tell you-" "No you don't!" I interrupt, grabbing James' hand. Dad smiles. "Be careful out there." "We will!" Me and James catch a cab and go to a resturaunt in town. We get sushi and while I'm looking I gasp in surprise seeing Dad's friends. Tyler Hubbard and Brian Kelly. I smile and wave. They have their girlfriends. "Hey guys." "Hey girl, what ya doin'?" I blush a little when Tyler asks that. "I'm on a date with my boyfriend." He smiles. "Does the old man know?" I nod. "We're getting sushi." I say teasingly. We got their sushi. The how we roll. Brian laughs and tossles my hair. They leave and James just laughs. "Man your dad knows a lot of folks." "Yeah the FGL boys helped write some of dad's songs and they've been on tour together.


We were waiting for a cab when I heard a familiar voice that makes my blood run cold. I don't turn around until he grabs my shoulder, making me turn around. Jimmy. Only now he's got a scar under his eye and an eyepatch. "J-Jimmy. L-Leave me alone." I stammer, gripping tight to James' hand. "Oh no way. You and your daddy got me locked up for months. Now you're gonna pay." James stands in front of me. "No she's not. You aren't gonna touch my girlfriend." He shouts, protectively. Jimmy grabs his shirt, lifting him off the ground! "No! Let go of him!" I cry. I pull out my phone but he snatches it away. "No way. No needing you calling daddy now do we." He says, smirking and grabbing my wrist after throwing James to the ground and stomping my phone.

Tyler's pov

Me and Brian walk out of the resturaunt. Haley holds my hand. "Hey isn't that Jason's little girl?" She asks, pointing. I glance that way and nod. Wait, what's going on? Who's that new guy? She looks scared. "Hold on." I say, walking over. "Hey boy, let go of her!" I shout at him. He spins around. "Tyler thank God!" She cries, "He's trying to kidnap me again!" Again? "Let go of her. Trust me you don't wanna do this." I say, walking closer. The guy withdraws a switchblade, pushing it to her throat. Miranda's boyfriend looks super pissed. "Get that away from her!" He shouts. I pull out my phone and call Jason.

Jason's pov

THubb calls me which is weird. We don't talk much anymore for some reason. "Yello? What's up?" "Dude, we've got some problems." Huh? "What do you mean?" I drop my bow, confused and worried. "Some teenager attacked Miranda and her boyfriend. He has a switchblade to her throat!" Holy shit! Jimmy! "Where are you guys?!" "Outside that sushi place!" "I'm on my way!" I drive over there lightning quick. Tyler and Brian stand a few feet away. "This punk is dead meat!" I growl, walking up with my pistol. "You can't shoot him! He's just a kid! You'll go to jail!" Brian gapes. "It'll be worth it to save my daughter!" I'm about to yell at him to let her go when James kicks the guy in the groin. His eyes go wide and he drops to his knees. Then James wails on him. My eyes go wide in surprise. "Don't ever touch my girl again!" He yells, punching him again! Whoa! "Ok kid that's enough!" I gasp, grabbing him. I glance back at the guys shocked. They're just as shocked. James busted his knuckles. The jerk's unconscious. "Whoa. Nice job kid." Tyler says. "Y-Yeah. You kicked ass." I gasp. We get back home and I stumble to a chair. That boy really does love my daughter. The way he took on that boy twice his size without fear and whooped his ass to protect her. I've never been more proud in my whole life.

Miranda's pov

He finishes washing the cuts on his knuckles. "That was awesome how you whooped Jimmy for me." He nods and sits crosslegged in front of me. "Who was he anyway?" "Some douche that attacked me a few months before we went on the tour." "Well I don't think he'll mess with you again." I smile. "Thanks. I love you, James." I gasp, hugging him. "I love you too baby." He says. I bite my lip in excitement. He smiles. I unbutton my shirt teasingly. "Wow baby you're so hot." I laugh slightly and take my shirt off entirely. He gets up and locks the door. He lays beside me and kisses me gently. "Waiting is dumb anyway. Especially if it's with someone I really love." I whisper as we make out. He unbuckles his belt. Suddenly someone knocks on the door. I squeal in surprise. "Why is your door locked?" Dad calls. I sigh. "No reason. What's up?" "I wanna talk about tonight." Ugh. I give James an apologetic smile. "I promise. When I get back." I whisper. He nods and smiles. "You're worth waiting for baby." He says kissing me. I quickly get dressed again so does he and we both go to the living room. Dad and Taylor sit on the couch along with Tyler and Brian. I'm confused. "What's going on?" "Have a seat." Dad says. We sit down. "James, thanks for saving my daughter. You proved just how much you care about her tonight." I blush. James smiles and holds my hand, his intense stare on my dad, who stands up. James does too. "Welcome to the family son." He says shocking me. He shakes my boyfriend's hand and my jaw drops in shock. "W-What just happened?" Tyler pushes off the wall. "Your old man is finally letting his little girl grow up." He says, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Shut up, THubb." He says. I laugh.

Jason's pov

I wave for James to follow me and we go to the other room. "I know what you two were doing in there." I say, pointing. His eyes go wide. "Y-You do?" I nod. "I was your age once and trust me I was not a virgin in high school. Now I'm not encouraging it by any means but if you are, do it safely. She's got a whole life ahead of her. I don't want you two to have kids until you're ready. Understand?" "Yes sir. Whoa! I didn't see this coming." "Me neither. Just don't make me regret it." "I won't. I promise!" We shake hands again and he goes back to the living room. I go to my room. I pick up the framed picture of the best night of my life. The night my baby girl was born. She had dark brown hair and my green eyes. I hate to let her go but she's a grown woman now. Tears threaten my eyes, thinking about the mistakes I'll never be able to fix. Someone knocks on my door. "Dad." I smile and turn around. "Hey baby girl." She runs over and hugs me. I'm a little caught off guard. "What was that for?" "Because I love you. And no matter how old I get I'll always love you." "And no matter how many years go by you'll always be my little princess. I love you too hun."

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