A Long Kept Secret

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Jason's pov

Me and Luke are doing buck commander. "You'll be okay by yourself for a few days?" I ask, worried. "I'm not by myself. James is here." I smile and ruffle her hair. "That he is sweetheart." I hug her. "Don't grow up." I whisper too quiet for her to hear. "Jason come on!" Luke calls. I walk out there and Taylor has my bow. I smile and kiss her cheek then grab my bow. "Ready to go, baby?" "Yep." She kisses me on the lips, making me drop the bow in surprise and I hear the kids laugh. "You know what to do if anything happens." I say, tilting my hat. She nods and pats the pistol at her side. I taught them both how to shoot, just in case something like that happens again. I bite my lip worried. "We're gonna be fine dad." She says, making my face get red. I'm worried for nothing. I know my little girl is gonna be a good kid. She's always a good kid. "Alright, I'm gone." I say, waving. Luke drives the truck and me and Taylor sit in the back. I stare out the window, thinking, while Taylor sleeps against my shoulder. "One of these days you're gonna have to let her go." He says, looking at me in the rearview. I smile at him. "One of these days. But today's not that day." I don't know why I'm worried but I am. "Why are you so freaked out?" Luke asks, making my eyes go wide as it hits me. I don't want to let her go because the last time I did, I didn't see her for fifteen years. I don't want that to happen again. "Jay, you okay?" I glare at my hands. "Just drive." I mutter.


We were in the duck blind filming for the show. Me and Luke. The camera is a little too close to my face. I don't like it. "Oh there's a big one." I whisper, loading my bow. Luke puts a hand on my shoulder. "What?" "Look!" He whispers. I look back to where I see the deer and I don't see anything else. "What are you looking at?" "That! There's a girl!" He shouts, pointing. My eyes go wide. Is that..... Sierra? I put down my bow and walk out. "Sierra? What.... What are you doing in Kansas?" She jumps in surprise and is about to run but I grab her shoulder. "What are you doing here?" "What are you doing here?" "Are you mocking me?" I glance back at the camera and let go of her. "Cut the camera!" I shout annoyed. Me and Sierra along with Luke and the cameraman all go back to lodge. "What the hell are you doing in Kansas!?" "None of your business! Let me go!" Willie walks over. "What's going on?" I scrunch my eyes, frustrated. "One of my daughter's friends. I saw her while hunting. But she won't tell me how she got here from Georgia!" While I'm talking to Willie, she runs and I try to catch her but she dodges and runs out the door. Willie scratches his head. "Well that was weird." Luke says. "Yeah." I mumble, scratching my head.

Miranda's pov

While me and James are watching TV there's a knock at the door. I get up and answer it. My eyes widen in surprise. "Sierra, what are you doing here?" "I ran away! I had to!" "What about Rachel?" "She wouldn't come with me." What's dad gonna say? I shrug it off and let her in. "What's up?" James asks. "Sierra and Rachel's dad is an abusive drunk." I mutter sighing. I hug my best friend. "We have to go get Rachel." She nods.

Jason's pov

I can't stop thinking about finding Sierra on the lodge property. What was that about? Why wouldn't she talk to me? I'm going home to get to the bottom of this. I get home and she's already there. They're talking. "We should tell dad." "I can't. I just wanna get my sister and get the hell outta there." Damn, what's going on? I open the door. They both jump off the couch. "W-What? Dad?" "What's going on?"

Miranda's pov

I bite my lip and look at Sierra saying with my eyes I have to tell him now. She shakes her head and mouths don't. "He'd help." I say, walking over to my dad. "Sierra and Rachel's dad is an abusive alcoholic and she ran away but Rachel is still there." His eyes get huge. I don't know what to expect. He grabs the pistol at my side. "Let's go get your sister, hun." Her eyes go wide. "W-What?" "I don't tolerate abuse. Now come on, we've got an almost ten hour drive back to Macon." I smile and Sierra runs and hugs my dad. "Sorry I ran away earlier." "It's okay. You were scared." We get in my dad's truck and start the long drive.

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