Chapter 4: Leaving to see the Ruins

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I left the room and went to find Toriel. I found the dinning room with a fire place in it and Toriel was there. She is reading a book and she is wearing a reading glasses. I had this idea on calling Toriel 'goat mom'. I don't know why I thought of that. It just pops up in my head. As I reached Toriel, she smiled and greeted me.

"Hello small one. Up already?"

I smiled back and nod. She is so neat. She is always caring and sweet. Not to mention on how she talks. Her voice is like she is always calm all the time.

"Did you recieve the pie in your room?" She asked.

I still nod as a response. I'm just not up to speaking right now. I just woke up though. I'm always like this after I woke up, I won't speak until I want to or for along time. There is something that is really bothering me. I heard some of the monster talk about the 'Ruins'. They also talked about the door that leads us straight to it. I really want to go and see the ruins but I also want to stay with Toriel. But I also want to know more about the underground. So I asked,

"Toriel, how to enter the ruins?"

Toriel looked so shock. First time to see Toriel shock, wow. After I asked her that, her face turned into a sad one. She close the book that she was reading and said,

"I-I have to do something. P-please stay here for awhile."

She hurriedly stand up and walk out of the room. She is in a hurry for some reason. What just happen? Why is she in a hurry all of a sudden? Was that a bad question? I followed Toriel while she walks down to a stairs leading to the basement. I chase her as fast as I can but she is too fast. I yelled from behind,

"Toriel! Wait up!"

I ran as fast as I can until she stopped at the large door. What is this door for? Does this door lead us straight to the ruins? I looked at the large door then Toriel turns around to face me. She looks sad. She smiled weakly and said,

"My child, if you want to go to the ruins, then I shall not stop you. But please, be careful out there. There are tons of monsters out there that might harm you. But please, please spare them. I don't want anything or anyone to hurt each other even if you are different from each other."

She then kneels down and I noticed that tears are welming up in her eyes. She hugged me and I hug her back. I heard her sob while I am in her arms. I started to cry aswell. After she lets me go, she hold my hand and whisper,

" child..."

She lets go of my hand and walked away quickly, trying to hide her tears from me. I watched her leave me in front of this huge door. I can't stop crying. Toriel... I whisper to myself,


I can't stop crying but I have to. I tried to stop crying by calming myself down. I took some time to catch my breath and wipe my tears away. This is it. Time to explore the underground. I streched my arms out and push the door in front me.

Note: Halo! Here it is! The 4th chapter. But there is this girl name sophiathecatwitch i think said the she really liked my story. So THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! That inspired me so much. But don't worry, I will try to update my story everyday. I will try ok?. Thank you again!

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