Chapter 41: Grey Dason

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We are walking back to the house while I'm carrying fell. This guy is heavy! Seems like I'm carrying a large sack of rice. Jesus. This guy needs a diet, seriously!

We were almost to the house until I saw someone getting beat up right at the front of the library or librabry. I quickly let Papy carry fell as I dash towards the group of guys. I saw a stick nearby and pick it up. As I was getting close to them, I jumped up into the air and hit one of the guys on his head which causes him down to his knees. The stick broke. Sh*t! I remember I bought a gun from those two girls. I don't have any amo though. So I used my magic to create an amo and reloaded it to the gun and made it unlimited cause I'm too lazy to reload it again and again. The group of boys looked at me as I was aiming my gun to one of them. I was about to fire it on them but I don't want to hurt one of them. So I fired it to the ground as a warning and they all got scared and ran off. I wonder how I'm the only girl who is not afraid to use a gun. The one I hit with a stick froze as he saw my shadow. I whispered creepily.


The guy quickly stood up and ran away as he was apologizing. I sighed and kept my gun on my hoodie pocket as I looked at the guy who was curled up into a ball and was bleeding pretty bad. I kneeled down on one of my knee and touched his shoulder and shook him a little. I said.

"Hey, they're gone. Its ok."

He slowly opened his eyes and by surprise, his eyes looks gorgeous. He stuttered as he tried to sit down.

"T-thank y-you.."

I stopped him from sitting down by picking him up. He got surprised and looked at me. I asked him.

"So where is your house?"

"I-I don't h-have o-one... I g-got kicked o-out...."


I looked back at others, the are walking up behind me. As they did, I asked them.

"Hey, can we keep him?"

Big dad protested.


I said back.

"How about me? Didn't you guys just treat me like garbage back then? Then, I think he have gone through the same thing. Maybe I can relate to him."

He just growled in reply. I looked back at the guy. He looked so tired and weakened. I just stare at him while white smoke of air comes out every time he exhales.

He started trembling and I have nothing to give him so I hug him tightly in my arms to give him some warmth from my body. He shot his eyes open and looked at me. I whispered.

"Please bare with this for awhile."

He smiled weakly and make himself comfortable in my arms. He closed his eyes once more as I turn back to the others and said.

"I'm gonna keep him."

They smiled at me kindly and nodded. Though the Fell brothers looked at me with a judgy and disgusted look. I didn't really care about it and just went inside the house.

I carefully placed him down on the sofa and walked upstairs before saying "I'll be back".

I rush back down and carefully placed the blanket around him. He smiled and thanked me. I nodded and went to the kitchen to make something that will warm him up. So, I decided to make a hot chocolate for the both of us. Well, my cup was a lot bigger since I'm total to a 3 people and I need more food than any human beings.

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