Chapter 38: I'll be having so much Fun!

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(I drew the one above! Hehehe!)

I finished drawing and stood up, feeling the pain on my knees after for a long period of sitting down. I took a baby step backwards and look at my drawing. I drew Kin and Ken since they ask for it. I'm not really good at drawing at snows but I tried. Oh mah God I look so gosh darn good! Hehe, good job Y/n. It looks great as I expected. I giggled as they both complimented my art. I smiled and look at sans who drew papyrus, pointing at him and he wrote something on a speech bubble. It says,

You fucking idiot!! You've done nothing but slack-off and be useless all the fucking time!! You're worthless! No one cares about you! Fuck you!!!

Oh dang. That's harsh bro. That's so mean for a brother to say. Hhmm.... I always forget to call dad. I will give him a call now. I took my phone out and dialed dad's number. It rang and rang but nobody answered it. Maybe he's busy? Let me call again. It did the same thing. I wonder what dad's doing.

I look back at Fell and said in a really dark and low voice.

"Hey Fell, I'll be back in a minute kay?"

Fell nodded his head in response as I teleported myself to the lab.

(Fell's pov)

Wha........ Did she just? Did, did, did she really just teleported?!?! Oh dang. I... Wtf?! How is that even possible? I kept asking myself the same question over and and over again. She's really hot though but boss said I shouldn't befriend her. Agh what should I do? I'll just put that aside for now and sleep for awhile. Life sucks balls.

(y/n's pov)

I teleported to lab and was greeted by a pile of dust with glasses above it. Isn't that.... Dad's glasses?! I rush over to the pile of dust and let the tears roll down my cheeks. I look over to dad's desk and thought to myself.

'there must be something that can bring dad back to life! There has to be!'

I keep on digging into the pile of paper until I saw a note that was written by dad. It says.

My dear y/n,

This is your father. If your reading this right now, I am already dead. Im so sorry darling. I know this because I have future vision. Im sorry for not telling you last time because I don't want you to be sad nor depressed. I just want you to be happy in your life. You know that I love you more than anything in the underground. I love you so much dear, please remember that.

From your beloved father/creator,
Dad <3

I clutched the note slightly and brought it in my chest. I shut my eyes tightly and cried. Please tell me this isn't real... Please....
Oh but darling, it is real.
I opened my eyes looking at back at my dad's ashes and asked.


I just stared at it for awhile before the voice replied to me.
Hello dear.
I yelled.

"Dad!! Where are you?"

My dear, you don't have to yell. You may not see me but I am always here.
I stared at the ashes again and he said.
If you don't know where I am, I am at you mind darling.
Y/n!! Who is this guy?! How come he is here, in your mind?! Ken, I think he is 'dad'. Dad? Kin how do know about this? How do you know about him? Isn't it obvious? He was the one y/n keeps on calling and he is the one we always see everytime Y/n visits this lab. Oh. Im an imbisle (guys idk the spelling). You both must be Kin and Ken right? Yup. Yes we are sir.

I smiled as dad starts a conversation in my head. My tears lessens and I stopped crying. I look around, trying to find some place I can put dad's ashes. I found a container that fit for my dad's ashes. I carried it to the ashes and carefully put the ashes into the container with my hands. I hugged the jar full of ashes and smiled. I asked them in my mind.

Hey guys, wants some music?
Yes please
Heck yeah! Yes. That would be nice.
Ok then. I played a song and smiled (play the music above please). They all just laughed and dad sang along and so with the twins
Wake me up!
Wake me up inside!
I can't wake up!
Wake me up inside!
Save mee!!!!
Call my name and save me from the dark!
Ay lmao you guys are silly. Dad I didn't know you can shout.
I do shout darling. I just don't do it often. Heheheh, ok dad. We should go back to Fell now.
Darling, whose fell? You'll know soon dad.

I hug the jar close to me and teleported myself back to where I was last time. Sans was facing his back to me and it seems like he is on the phone.

"yeah boss, she can teleport!"


"y/n boss. Y/n can teleport. Tell the others about this. I have to go-"

He stiffen as he heard my footsteps behind him and my shadow behind him. I made a bubble around the jar and press the top and it teleported somewhere safe that no one knows. He looked back and saw me glaring at him, clutching my hands and my teeth. He turned off his phone and gave me a nervous smile.

"H-hey y-y/n..."

(Fell's pov)

Crap! I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead! I shouldn't have told them. Craaaaappp!!!!

(y/n's pov) (swearing alert)

This little bitch! Telling all the shit about me! This motherfucker! I shouldn't have trusted this little fuck! I will crush him into dust!
Dear, please watch you language. I don't like it.
Sorry dad but I'm just so angry right now that I can't help it. Forgive me dad.
It's ok darling. I forgive you.

I smiled a twisted smile and talk all weird. Cracks like dad's started to form in my face and it hurts as some blood rush down.

"Æh, Î $€€ thæt ŷøü have tœ£d €v€rŷøn€ æbœút m€. Well, that is pretty mean and unappreciated. You will be given a punishment for that. HehehahahaHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

I laugh twistedly. He looked at me with a frightened face. He tried to crawl away since he was sitting down but I pulled his foot and raised it. He just stared at me and I laughed.

"Oh dæng! Îm gonna have a very interesting time! Ahahahahahahaha! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

He shouted.

"let me go you fucking piece of shit!!"

"That's pretty rude you know?"

I raised him in the air as high as my arm could get and threw him in the ground so hard. It made a huge crack on his skull as he growled.

Im gonna have




(:V) (:V) (:V) (:V) (:V) (:V) (:V) (:V) (:V)
Hello everyone, Gaster here. I will take full advantage of why the author hasn't been updating. I'm sorry for that but I hope that you like the chapter and you'll give it a like. Please follow the author for more chapter from the author. Gaster, what are you doing? Uumm.... Well, we will see you people next time! Wait what?! Bye! Gaster what the f*ck! My word. Author, watch your language! Put a dollar on the swear jar! *sigh*sorry. *puts a dollar on the swear jar*. Good. Forgive me guys for not updating for so freaking long! I hope that you can forgive mE! TeM aWsO sOwY fOr cReAtOr! Temmie please stop it.

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