Chapter 31: Fragile and Special

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I cooked some breakfast for me and dad. We had a some conversations as we eat. It was all about life(lyf) and that I'll only use my powers if needed. Dad said that it is really dangerous if I keep on using my powers but he didn't tell me what will happen if I do it. I got so curious but I just put it aside.

We finished eating and I offered to wash the dishes. I let dad do his experiments as I wash the dishes. I remember dad saying something while we were eating.


"My dear, there is something special that I do while I was doing the experiment on you. It makes you very fragile and very special. If you are asking what does it do, then I'll explain it to you. Everytime a monster die physically, they will turn into dust. But you, if you got hurt by your feelings because of somebody... You will turn into dust. So please dear, be carefull."

End of flashback.

Dad looks so depressed when he said those things about me turning into dust. But don't worry dad, I will take care of myself and you should too.

I finished washing the dishes. I walk to the room where we had our experiment and dad was doing something with a cylinder filled alittle with a purple substance.


I called out from behind him and it made him jump alittle. I giggled and told him.

"Dad, I'm going to go now. Are you gonna be alright? Do you need anything?"

He turn around and walk towards me. He shook his head and placed a hand on my cheek. I hold it and he said.

"Ok dear. But be careful out there, alright?"

I nodded my head and he placed a kiss on my forehead. I hug him with my arms and wings. He chuckled and he hug me back. I pulled away and bid our goodbyes. Dad also told me that I can teleport where ever I want. I breath for a moment and closed my eyes. I focused and I felt some winds trying to push me back. Ugh I feel dizzy. I opened my eyes and found myself in front of Sans' house. I sighed and smiled to myself. I walked inside and found a girl sitting next to sans as sans' arm rest on her shoulder. I waved at the both of them and they both waved back but the girl doesn't seem to like my presence. I just shrugged it off and asked.

"Where is everyone else?"

"They are in Undyne's place."

The women replied with an attitude. I playfully replied.

"I don't remember asking for an attitude so, yeah."

The girl glared at me and just said "tsk.". The heck did I do to you that you are giving me that attitude? I told Sans that I will be taking a walk around this place. Sans nodded and I started to walk towards the door but I heard the girl mumble under her breath.

"I hope you get lost."

Sans playfully slap her cheek but not hard. I shrugged once again and headed out. I don't know why but I can't feel the coldness on my surroundings. I just keep on walking and I met some people as they pass by. I greeted them and they did the same. I had alittle conversation to some of the people. I spend like, 2 hours walking around this place. Everyone is so nice. I got tired and decided to head to Grilby's. I reached my destination and head inside.

I walk towards the bar and some people greeted me nicely even though they look so badass and cool. I sat down on one of the barstool and and face-palmed into my arms. Damn i'm so tired. I felt someone poking my head so I look up and saw Grilby poking me. He wouldn't stop even though I already gave him some attention. I giggled and told him to stop but he just shook his head and continue to poke my head. I continued to giggle as he kept poking my head. He chuckles and titled his head to the side alittle. I quickly grab his hand and put it on my cheek as I covered my face with my arms once again. He struggles to free his hand but I hold it tightly on place. He then started to poke my head with his other hand. I look up at him, still holding his hand and made a shit-eating grin and mumble.

"It's on."

Good thing the ceiling of this place is really high. I flew up, pulling mr. Grilby with me and carried him bride style and I flew down safely on the bar. I sat down and took my left hand out. I poked his forehead repeatedly and whispered.


His flames became brighter as I look into his eyes. He told me to stop and I just shook my head and continued. I grin at him and he chuckles. I giggled as I continue to poke him. Some of the customers look at us and laugh alittle at the sight of me poking mr. Grilby. I just smiled at them and continued on. It has been 5 minutes since the poking session started. All of the customers were giggling at us. It made mr. Grilby's flames grew brighter and brighter as they continue to chuckle and giggle. I placed mr. Grilby down behind the counter where he usually is. I smiled at him and he hugs me. I hugged him back and we both pulled away. I giggled as he scratch the back of his head in embarrassment. I told him.

"I should be going now. I guess i'll see you next time."

He nodded and we bid our goodbyes. I walk out of the Grilby's and head towards the house of Sans. I'm quite tired now since I spend all of my time hanging out with people. I took my phone out and look what time is it. It is already 6 o'clock. I sighed and hurried towards Sans' house. I went inside the house and heard some noises coming from a room. I felt so uncomfortable that I quickly put my earphones on and connect it to my phone. I played a song which is a rock n' roll song and blasted the volume up to the maximum. I couldn't hear anything now except the music that was deafening. I sat down on the couch and search for a different song and found a song called 'Can't help falling in love with you' (the video above). I clicked it and it was pretty good. I was so relax sitting down on the couch that I doze off. The only thing I heard is.

"But I cant help, falling in looooove wiith yoouu."

Hello everyone! Welp I hope that you enjoyed the song and the chapter. I have nothing else to say so yah. Cya!

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