Chapter 36: Kin and Ken

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I wake up and heard people talking and whispering some stuff which I can barely hear. All of them looked at me and they pointed their weapons at me. What the heck is going on? One of them spoke.

"We're so sorry human but... We have to do this..."

Before I could asked, they started to attack me, stab me with their weapons. They keep hitting over and over again. Yet, here I am, screaming the pain they gave me. One of them stabbed my left hand with a knife and I screamed ofcourse. Most of them stab and almost ripped my wings off. This kept on going on for a few minutes if i'm correct. One of them even took my right eyeball! I kept screaming and I cried because of the pain.

Let's time skip shall we~?

They all stopped and went away with blood stains on their clothes. I layed their, almost unconscious. My body felt weak and I can't barely breath. I curled up into a ball again, not minding the pain it cause everytime I move. Blood dripping off from different parts of my body including my mouth, nose, and my right eye that have no eyeball. I keep on thinking to myself, 'Why did they do that? What did I do?'. I tried to speak but it hurts.

Then out of nowhere, I heard someone's getting closer and closer and they called.

"Y/n! Come out!"

It was Swap. I clutched both my hands. I could tell he is right in front of me but alittle further. My blood made a pool underneath me. Swap yelled as he rushed towards me.

"Y/n! Are.... What happened?!"

I couldn't even open my mouth nor speak. I tried to speak awhile ago but couldn't. I guess that those guys hit my voice box. I kept silent, staying on the same position. His voice sound so worried.

"C-c'mon y/n. We have to get you home!"

I reached down to the pool of blood and wrote.


"But y/n! You are seriously injured!"

I kept my head lowered as he continued to talk.

"Wait, y/n, let me see your face for awhile."

I underlined the word No on the ground.

"What do you mean no? You have to let me see!"

I add some words before the word no so it says,

I said No

Swap came closer to me and pleaded.

"Y/n please. Only once!"

I wrote on the pool of blood again saying,

.... Fine

I heard him squeal there for a moment and he whispered 'yes!'. I raised my head slowly until he can see my whole face. He gasp in terror at the sight of my face. Terrible isn't? I smiled at him and whispered.


Swap replied.

"No! I have to tell the others."


Swap looked at me with concern in his face. He nodded and sat their for awhile and throw some questions at me which I answered by writting on my pool of blood.

Time skip please~

Time has passed since he arrived. He says.

"I must go now Y/n. I will see you next time."

I just wrote,


He started to walk away. Silence was filled in the surroundings once more. I lowered my head completely and started to breath heavily. Please tell me why did my life turned out to be like this. I haven't call dad since then. I don't want him to worry too much about me. I hope that he is ok. Damn It's cold!

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