Chapter 28: Meeting them all

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After a few minutes of walking and giving me directions, we arrive in a place called Snowdin. The guy in the blue jacket told me to go to the wooden house. I did what he said and he told me to wait outside for awhile. I nodded and put him down and he went inside. I am still holding the guy with the blue scarf. I sat down under the window and rub his back. He asked sadly.

"Do you not really remember me?"

I smiled unsurely and nodded. I told him.

"But hey, I will try my best to remember you ok? So don't worry, someday I will remember you and everyone."

The guy smiled in relief and nodded in agreement. I giggled and placed a kiss on his forehead. His cheekbones turned alittle blue. There is something I really need to ask to this guy. I breath and ask.

"If I may ask, what is your name?"

I tilted my head to the side alittle and laughed nervously. The guy replied with a proud tone.

"Ah yes, I forgot to tell you who am I. I am the great sans! And you can just call me sans."

Oh that's what his name is. Ok but I remember dad said that the guy with the blue jacket and this guy sans have the same name. I asked once more.

"So, the guy with the blue jacket is also sans?"

He nodded. I will get confused with their names, Im sure with that. I requested sans.

"Uumm, if it's ok, can I call you Swap?"

He put his index finger and his thumb on his chin and think for awhile. He is so adorable!! He nodded after thinking for about 15 seconds. I smiled and gave him a thumb's up. He did the same aswell. We giggled and then the guy with blue jacket came out and said.

"you can come in now."

His voice is extremely low and it seems like I have heard that voice before. I nodded and let Swap stood up first. I stood up next and we both entered the house. It looks so neat. I was greeted by a tall skeleton who looks so worried.


I smiled nervously and nodded. This guy is loud. Too loud. I asked nervously.

"But, uummm, can I ask you for your name?"

The guy put one of his hand on his chest and puffed his chest out proudly and said.


I nodded. Ok so it is Swap and Papyrus. Ok, I will remember their names. Next one, no wait, two came behind Papyrus. The one with the orange jacket pulled his hand out and greeted me.

"Sup. I'm Papyrus, Papyrus the skeleton. I'm the brother of Underswap sans who is beside you. Nice to meet you."

I shook his hand and smiled. Why are there two papyrus in here?! Wait, don't tell me that the other guy in black with pointy teeth is also Papyrus. The guy in black greeted me.


Wow, rude much? I smiled and suggested to the Papyrus who is wearing an orange jacket.

"Uumm, Papyrus, can I call you Paps? It's quite confusing that there are three Papyrus."

Papyrus with the orange jacket nodded. Ok, that will do. I look at Papyrus who is wearing black and looks evil and suggested. But before I can talk, he said.


Pffft what? Why would I call him that?! That name is embarrassing! I laughed nervously and said.

"O-ok... Big daddy..."

Omg I feel so embarrassed!!! I felt my cheeks heat up alittle. And I am not a robot. I have this robot parts because dad did an experiment on my skin and he just replaced it with metal. So yeah. Big daddy called the guys who are sitting on the couch. They both stood up and went in front of me. The guy who looked like, pffft, Big daddy pulled his hand out and greeted me.

"I'm sans, brother of Papyrus or should I say, Big Daddy."

He has many sweat buds on his head and his cheekbones are pretty red. I shook his hand and asked.

"Are you ok? Is something bothering you? Are you sick?"

I touched his forehead and it made his cheekbones grew redder. He started to tremble alittle and I pulled my hand away. I stared at him with a concerned face. He suddenly hug me. He let go as I kneeled down and giggled at him. It made him redder and I hug him. He hugs me again and he hugs me alittle tighter. He whispered to me that nobody can hear.

"you are so gorgeous. you are like an angel.

The words this Sans said to me made me blush madly. My face is now a tomato. I thanked him in a shaky voice.

"T-thank you."

He lets go and smirk at me. Is this guy hitting on me?! I smiled at him and stood up. The one with the error thingy on his head and his skin tone is black. (im not racist!!!!) He smiled at me and greeted me.

"Hey, im sans, error sans."

I nodded and told error sans.

"Uumm, error sans? Can I call you error?"

He nodded slightly and I turn to face the sans who said im gorgeous and asked.

"Aaand, can I call you Fell?"

His smirk becames wider and he nodded. I don't feel comfortable around him. HALP! I smiled at all of them and said.

"It's nice to meet all of you! I hope we can be closer."

They all smiled back at me. I turn to face the guy who is wearing a blue jacket and ask.

"What is your name?"

He sighed and pulled his hand out of his pocket. He said.

"i'm sans, sans the skeleton."

Oh ok. He is the real sans? I shook his hand and told him.

"Ok then, I will be calling you Sans. Is that ok?"

He slightly smiled and gave me a thumb's up. So, this is all of them? I smiled at them once again. All of them has smilling mouth pasted on them. Maybe it's because they're skeletons. Until somebody called from the couch.

"So am I allowed to meet her?"

Everyone including me turned to direction where the voice is coming from and found another skeleton. He is wearing a black jacket and his ribs are exposed. He is wearing a black pants and a battle boots. He looks like dad 'cause of the cracks on his face. It looks the same as dad's. He is also smoking. He stood up and face me. All the sans went in front of him and salutes to him. They look adorable but why are they doing that exactly? The guy saluted back and all the sans made a way for him. He went up to me and took my hand saying.

"Hello there. I am Gaster sans. It is a pleasure to meet you miss?"

He said in a questioning tone. He was asking for my name. Ofcou- Wait. What IS my name?

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Hey wassup guys. Are guys getting bored of my story? Im just asking. I was thinking maybe you guys are getting bored of my story. Im sorry if it is too boring. I will try my best next time ok?(I always do that) Thank you!

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