Ghirahim's Plan

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Ginna, Nash, Zelda, and Ghirahim all sit in an abandoned building around a table. "Hey, Ginna, you got a marker, don't you?" Ghirahim asks. "I think so. Yeah," Ginna replies, pulling a blue marker from her backpack. She hands it to Ghirahim, then he starts to draw a large square on the table. "Ghirahim, what are you doing?" Nash asks. "I'm drawing the block. I'm gonna explain how we're gonna get through the zombies. Nash, you go to this block. The block where we first met," Ghirahim replies, pointing to his drawing on the table. "Demon Street?" Nash asks. "Yes. We are all awarded the guns are in the middle of Human Street, right?" Ghirahim asks. "Yes," Ginna, Nash, and Zelda all reply. "Okay, I'm gonna run down Human Street and retrieve them," Ghirahim states. "But there's a crap load of zombies there," Ginna replies. "I know. Ginna and Zelda, you two will go down Vampire Street, then run right, reaching Human Street. You two will take out the zombies there so I can retrieve the gun bag. Then I'll run right to Demon Street, which is when Nash will come into play. Actually, you should be doing automatically, but you will take out the zombies on Demon Street so I can run with the gun bag safely. Ginna, Zelda, after I retrieve the gun bag, come behind me just in case any zombies attack me from behind. After we reach Nash's location, we meet back here. Questions?" Ghirahim asks. "I got it," Ginna replies. "I understand," Zelda replies afterwards. "What were you before we met?" Nash asks. "Same as now. Why?" Ghirahim asks afterwards. " 'Cause you're so damn smart! My man!" Nash yells, putting his fist in the air. "Hell yeah!" Ghirahim yells, giving Nash a fist bump.

Funny/WTF Adventure of Ginna MomentsWhere stories live. Discover now