Nash Sold Helen!

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Fui sits on the living room couch, reading a newspaper with her legs crossed, then Nash suddenly bursts into the room, his body covered in bruises and scars and Fui gasps. "Whoa. Rough day at school?" Fui asks. "Yeah," Nash weakly replies. "Where's your sister? Is she coming?" Fui asks. "Okay Mom, I haven't been entirely honest with you. Helen isn't coming," Nash replies. "What!? Where is she!?" Fui yells with a panic as she drops her newspaper and jumps off the couch. "I sold her!" Nash yells. "What!?" Fui yells back. "I sold her to drug dealers," Nash states. "How could you sell Helen!?" Fui angrily yells. "Oh my God, I've told this story like a million times today. If you wanna know, ask Ramia," Nash says as he sits down on the couch. "Nash!" Fui angrily yells with her hands on her hips. "Okay! As soon as we got inside, we ditched school through a hidden door. There, we got high on cocaine and we bumped into a bunch of drug dealers. I don't remember exactly how, but in the end, I owed them a random of three thousand rupees. They beat me and held guns at my face. I told then I would sell them Helen in exchange of the three thousand rupees. They agreed and that's how I sold her," Nash explains. "How could you sell your own sister!?" Fui angrily yells. "Mom, I just told you," Nash replies. "Nash, I have never been so angry in my life!" Fui yells, then Nash gasps and walks over to the window. "Mom, look at the beautiful blue jay," Nash says. "This isn't important. You sold your sister," Fui angrily replies with her arms crossed. "Mom, look!" Nash yells. "Fine," Fui angrily replies, then she looks back out the window. "Aww, you missed it. It's gone," Nash states. "How could you sell Helen!?" Fui angrily yells. "Why didn't you look at the blue jay earlier!?" Nash angrily yells back.

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