Nash is a Bad Drunk

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Ramia pours a cup of coffee as Ginna approaches her. "Hey Ramia, why were you in Nash's room last night?" Ginna asks. "Why were you?" Ramia asks back. "I was just curious what's in his diary, but I couldn't find it," Ginna states. "Oh, I have it," Ramia replies, taking out a blue journal. "Damn it, Ramia, why the hell do you have his diary?" Ginna asks. "I stalk him. He's perfect...except for the fact he's an alcoholic," Ramia states. "An alcoholic?" Ginna asks. "Oh yeah, he's real bad. That's why he was fired from his old job," Ramia replies.

"I've had sex with 144 women and 371 men," Nash states with a bottle of vodka in his hand, a man and all the children with balloons in their hands stand with their mouths open. "I can fit my head in my asshole 'cause I've been fucked there so many times," Nash continues as everybody still stands in shock. "Nash!" a woman standing next to him in a red suit yells. "Sorry...I got eleven girls pregnant in highschool and I have a nine inch dick," Nash finishes. "No shit, Nash! We literally see your dick!" the woman yells, then Nash looks down to see he has no pants. "Oh... I'm also high on cocaine," Nash lastly says, then passes out on the ground as the man and children continue standing with their jobs wide open. "Damn it, Nash! You're fired!" the woman angrily yells, then stomps off.

"Wait, he was high on cocaine, too?" Ginna asks. "Oh yeah. He also has a serious drug problem. But ain't he so handsome?" Ramia asks. "Yeah, he is...," Ginna awkwardly replies as she pours herself a cup of coffee.

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