Claire's Expressing Herself

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Ramia and Claire eat a bowl of cereal at the table, then Nash suddenly sit in the chair between them, wearing a feminine school outfit like shirt and shorts with green heels and red nail polish. "Um...Nash, what exactly is this?" Ramia asks. "Oh yeah, you know I'm a famous singer. I'm going on tour. And you know I always dress as gay as possible on my tours so I can confuse them about my sexuality because it's open we're a married couple," Nash explains. "Okay, right," Ramia replies as she grabs a spoonful of milk and cereal. "Wow, bet that gives your fans a pain in the ass!" Claire yells. "Claire, watch your mouth," Ramia says. "Shut the fuck up, Ramia. The girl's expressing herself," Nash replies, then Claire smiles as Ramia rolls her eyes and sighs, eating the spoonful of cereal. "But yes dear, this definitely gives my fans a real pain in the ass!" Nash yells with his left arm around Claire's shoulders and her smile widens as she giggles. "Naughty, Dad...," Claire mumbled in between her giggles, and Nash laughs.

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