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Helen enters the bathroom and wipes her face with a wet rag on the sink. "Do not freak out," Nash suddenly says, standing behind Helen and she screams. "Okay, I literally told you not to freak out," Nash repeats. "Sorry, you just weren't there a second ago," Helen replies with her arms crossed. " sleep with him?" Nash asks. "No, I didn't sleep with Kaden. He's got a girlfriend," Helen states. "You're fucking boring as shit," Nash says. "Honestly Nash, I agree with her," Eddie then says, standing by the doorway with his arms crossed. "Oh, hey Eddie, just come in whenever the hell you want," Nash mumbles. "If Helen was to sleep with Kaden, he would be cheating. And cheating is wrong," Eddie explains. "No, a man named Courtney is wrong. A blonde Asian is wrong. Cheating is fun!" Nash yells. "Not when you're on the other side," Eddie replies. "Oh, and that didn't stop you from a sweet taste of me when you were with Suki, right?" Nash asks, then Eddie suddenly grabs Nash by his shirt collar and bangs him against the wall. "You son of a bitch!" Eddie angrily yells, then Helen gasps. "You guys...?" Helen starts asking. "Played the sideways horizontal Charleston? Sure did," Nash answers. "Look Helen, you are right. You cannot sleep with Kaden. I made that mistake once. Cheating is wrong," Eddie explains again. "You really think that?" Helen asks. "Yes. I secretly slept with Nash here when I was dating Suki, but it was because of I loved him and I thought he loved me too. But in the end, he was just using me for sex!" Eddie yells. "I honestly do care, Eddie. But that was my intentions at first," Nash replies. "Shut up! Look, I admitted to Suki the whole thing and I could tell she was absolutely being on the other side of cheating isn't fun, isn't fun at all," Eddie continues explaining. "But if you're on this side, it's hella fun!" Nash yells. "Wow, do you always think with your little head?" Eddie asks. "Not always. But a lot," Nash replies. "Look, Helen, don't sleep with Kaden. It's not fair for his girlfriend, it's no fun for her," Eddie states. "Don't worry, Eddie. I wasn't," Helen replies. "Yeah, you were," Nash says. "Until I found out he had a girlfriend!" Helen yells. "You still were," Nash replies. "I swear to God, I will kill you. And your skin is great. It's hard for people to tell how old you are," Eddie states. "Twenty-two," Nash replies, then Helen opens the bathroom door and they gasp. "Helen, where you going?" Eddie asks. "Fucking Kaden," Nash says. "No! I'm going to bed since it's late at night!" Helen angrily yells. "You are absolutely no fun," Nash states.

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