Nash Talks To Guy

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Nash sits on his bed with his laptop on his lap, talking to Guy on a webcam. "I can't be caught talking to you," Nash states. "Aw, why?" Guy asks. "My parents don't support people of the same gender together, even if their love is real," Nash replies. "Like ours," Guy says, placing his hand on the screen, and Nash does the same. "Nash!" Fui yells as she walks into the room, and Nash quickly closes his laptop. "H-Hey, Mom!" Nash yells with stutters. "Who were you talking to?" Fui asks as she places Nash's laundry down on the floor by his bed. "Um, Eddie," Nash quickly responds. "Oh yeah? Then what's this?" Fui asks, suddenly grabbing Nash in a southern area and he screams in pain. "Fine, okay! It was Guy!" Nash yells.

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