Loving Machine

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Ginna sits on a bench with a sad expression on her face and Nash walks over and sits next to her. "Hey Ginna, what's wrong?" Nash asks. "It's all my fault," Ginna states. "What is?" Nash asks. "My mother's death. It's all my fault. I killed her...," Ginna replies. "No, don't say that. It isn't your fault. It's that damn Demon Spirit making you do it. Technically, it was the him," Nash states. "Thanks for trying to cheer me up Nash, but you can't go against the facts. All I've ever want was a mother to love me, and hug me, and kiss me," Ginna replies. "Well, luckily for you, I'm a loving, hugging, and kissing machine. Also spanking," Nash says. "That's not anything I had in mind," Ginna replies. "Well, it's what I had in mind," Nash replies back.

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