Aaron Fucked Which Man?

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Ginna sits at the table, her head lying on the table. "Hey, Ginna!" Aaron calls, walking towards her direction. "Oh, Aaron! I'm being so rude! I almost fell asleep at your party!" Ginna yells, quickly hopping out the seat. "Oh, it's fine. I didn't mind it, really. I'm just honored you're taking the time out your busy schedule to come to my party," Aaron replies. "Oh, my schedule isn't so busy so...," Ginna says as her voice starts to fade out, giving Aaron a chuckle. "Oh Ginna, you're a relief! You wanna hear something funny? I fucked this man in the bathroom and you'll never guess who it is," Aaron states, then a window shatters, Nash jumping out of it. Ginna gasps. "Was it Nash?" she asks, then Aaron gasps. "Hey, how did you know?" Aaron asks. "I...he just...," Ginna stutters. "You're so smart, Ginna!" Aaron yells, shaking her hand and she makes an uncomfortable smile.

Funny/WTF Adventure of Ginna MomentsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt