Gingy's Debate

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"So that's what I plan to do about Threatening Village's health problems. Any other questions?" Gingy asks, sitting in a chair in a middle of a rally. "I do!" a man with silver hair yells, standing up in the crowd. "I got a question for you, Gingy Zaxaar Coco," he continues, causing all of the audience to gasp as he pulls out a piece of paper from his pocket. "It says here that all aliens cannot be the leader of any villages. In fact, they are illegal and they are to be executed," the man states. "Are you saying I'm an alien?" Gingy asks. "I don't know... nobody on Earth has the middle name of "Zaxaar", that's for damn sure," the man replies. "You madman! I'm not an alien!" Gingy angrily yells, standing out of her seat. "Then let us see your birth certificate!" the man yells back. "Yeah!" a woman then yells. "Let's see your birth certificate!" another woman yells, causing Gingy's eyes to widen and gasp. 

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