After Distracting Barry

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Ginna, Wanda, and Gingy sits in a circle, Wanda throwing dice onto the floor as Nash walks into the room, his shirt and pants sagging and his hair is a messy state. "Yahtzee!" they all yell. "The fuck is this!? Did y'all save Helen!?" Nash angrily yells. "Oh, that was today? Shit...," Wanda replies. "Are you fucking kidding me!? I just had sex with a disgusting asshole that is literally sixty years older than I am for nothing!?" Nash angrily yells. "He is not that old," Gingy states. "He cummed dust in my ass!" Nash yells. "Oh, didn't know you were bottom," Wanda states. "Still, it would of been as shitty if I was top! He's like ninety!" Nash yells. "Well, we're sorry, Nash. We seriously thought it was tomorrow," Ginna replies. "We have to save my sister now!" Nash yells. "Okay, we're sorry. How bad is sex?" Gingy asks. "It's sex with him, not sex in general!" Nash yells. "I see...," Gingy replies. "Now if you excuse me, I'm going to clean the dust out my ass!" Nash yells, then leaves the room. "Whoops," Wanda says.

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