Nash Calls Wanda

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Wanda sits in her bed with a book in her arms, then she feels her phone vibrate by her legs and she answers. "Hello?" she asks. "Yo, Wanda. It's Nash," Nash states. "Oh right, we have each other's numbers. I forgot," Wanda sarcastically replies. "Hey, you wanna meet up at the pizza place in Okiyame Village?" Nash asks. "Why do you want to hang out with me all of a sudden?" Wanda then asks. "I'm just under a lot of stress right now and I just need someone to talk to," Nash replies. "And I'm your rebound?" Wanda asks. "Oh, don't say it like that. It's just no one else won't talk to me about it," Nash states. "Yeah, I don't blame them. You got Ramia pregnant, you got Ginna pregnant, and what? Am I supposed to be your third?" Wanda asks. "Hey now, after those two mistakes, you think I would learn to use condoms," Nash replies. "You made the mistake twice, so obviously you didn't learn," Wanda states. "Wow. Rude," Nash says. "I'm not trying to be nice. And to tell you as well, no matter how much you would seduce me, it's not happening. I'm a lesbian," Wanda explains. "Well, you can't hate the pussy, am I right?" Nash asks, sitting in the front seat of his car and he gasps, noticing Wanda has hung up on him. "That bitch...," he mumbles to himself as he places his cellphone in his pocket.

Funny/WTF Adventure of Ginna MomentsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt