Prince David Confronts

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"What the hell was that!?" Prince David yells. "I'm sorry, David. I had no idea you felt that way about me," Ginna states with a blanket around her. "I just...what the hell!?" Prince David continues to yell. "I'm sorry, David. It's getting about the time for me to visit my dad," Ginna replies, then walks off as Nash approaches Prince David, still butt naked. "Hey David," Nash says, then Prince David pushes him across the face, causing him to fall flat on his butt. "Ow! Damn it! What the hell was that for!?" Nash yells. "What do you think!? For purposely fucking the girl you knew I love!" Prince David angrily yells, then Nash gets up off the ground. "Oh, I'm sorry, David. Obviously, you didn't find it humorous," Nash states. "Who the fuck would find it humorous to see the person they love in bed with someone else!?" Prince David yells. "Hey, hey, calm down," Nash replies. "Oh, hell no. I'm tired of your shit! I'm tired of you just walking all over me because you're the famous celebrity, Mouth Puppet, because guess what? I'm the Prince of Castle Hearts!" Prince David yells. "Oh, so you say," Nash replies. "I am and you know I am! I'll make you regret this day," Prince David states. "Okay, can't wait," Nash says. "And please put some pants on. I'm tired of looking at your dick," Prince David replies. "Why are you staring? Geez, weirdo...," Nash mumbles. "Wait! What the hell is this!?" Prince David yells, picking up a giant soaked, fake fist off the ground. "It's supposed to be used to put out fires, but it's also great for fisting the girl you love," Nash replies, then Prince David drops the fake fist on the ground with a disgusted expression on his face. "You're dead to me," Prince David says in a deep voice, then he leaves the house, closes the door behind him.

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