Ramia Kisses Nash

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Nash stands under a tree while throwing his knife into the air and catching it. "Hey Nash," Ramia says, standing beside Nash and he gasps, his cheeks turning bright red. "Oh, Ramia! Hey!" Nash yells in stutters and he rubs the back of his head. "Look Nash, even though you're a violent, womanizing, sociopathic jerk, I just wanted to tell you that you're a great friend," Ramia states. "For what?" Nash asks. "When Rob disappeared at prom. What's even more suspensious is he's absent today as well. It's like he disappeared from existence," Ramia explains, then Nash gulps as he pulls out the collar on his shirt. "You really shouldn't say such things. Maybe he just got sick or something," Nash replies. "Well, that doesn't give him the right to just freaking disappear at prom. He should of told me buy first," Ramia states. "You're right. I should really stop thinking the best of people," Nash replies. "No, that's okay. It's good to be optimistic about life. I heard you'd live better that way," Ramia states. "Oh...well, thanks Ramia," Nash replies. "No problem. And I know it's already too late, but...," Ramia starts to stutter. "What?" Nash asks, then his face turns dark red as Ramia kisses him on the lips. "Well, see you," Ramia lastly says, then walks off as Nash stands with a still dark red face. "I...she...kissed," Nash stutters to himself as he falls back against the tree with shock.

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