Gingy's Fireproof

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"Okay Gingy, you ready to create a diversion so I can rob this bank?" Nash asks as he and Gingy stand on the front steps of Okiyame Bank. "Nash, I thought this was...the illegal...," Gingy replies. "Well, sure it is, but mostly everything I do is illegal," Nash states. "No, just plain out the stupid," Gingy says. "Gingy, listen. You're not from this planet, right?" Nash bends over and whispers. "Right...," Gingy replies in a whisper. "Just follow my lead. You'll get it," Nash states. "So what do I do?" Gingy asks. "Just walk in there and don't anything. Don't do jack shit. I'll let you know when to," Nash explains, then Gingy nods. Gingy walks into the bank, then Nash grabs a black mask, a handgun, and a match. He puts the black mask over his head.

Gingy stands by a pillar inside the bank, looking down at her cellphone. 'Wow, it's such a small piece of machinery, but it does so much!' Gingy thinks to herself, then everyone inside the bank screams as a man with a black mask and a handgun runs in, and Gingy gasps. 'Nash!?' she thinks to herself. "Put your hands into the air!" the man in the black mask yells as he points his handgun towards Gingy, forcing her to put her hands up in the air. "Hey! It's me!" Gingy yells. "Shut the fuck up!" the man in the black mask yells harshly, causing Gingy to start whimpering. "Now, you! Feel up this bag, or somebody's gonna get it!" the man in the black mask yells. "But-!" the woman behind the counter gasps, then the man in the black mask suddenly throws a lit match at Gingy, causing her to burst into flames and screams. The whole bank freezes with screams, then the man in the black mask points his shotgun towards the woman behind the counter. "Do it now! I'm fucking serious!" he keeps yelling, Gingy rolling around in flames as the woman quickly fills up the plastic bag on the counter. "Here you go, sir!" the woman yells in fear, then gasps as the man snatches the plastic bag from her. He then leaves the bank with his gun pointed at everyone so they stay still in silence. Gingy then gets off the ground with everyone gasping, her body completely free of flames, but her skin blackened.

Nash stands outside while placing a plastic bag in the back seat as Gingy walks up behind him. "Hey," she says, then Nash gasps and looks back. "Oh, Gingy. You scared me. Don't do that to me," Nash replies with a relief sigh as he lies back in his car. "I'm sorry. I thought you went overboard when you put me on fire. But apparently, I'm fireproof," Gingy explains. "Huh. Funny," Nash says. "But I assume you already knew that...right?" Gingy asks, then Nash shrugs his shoulders, and he starts his car. "You knew that? Right? Right?" Gingy repeatedly asks, then Nash slams his car door on her and drives off, causing her to gasp. "I don't think he knew...," Gingy last mumbles to herself.

Funny/WTF Adventure of Ginna MomentsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang