Nash and Ramia's Wedding

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Nash stands at the altar with Victor behind him as best man and Ginna, Elissa, and Wanda in front of him as bride maids. Conna runs out with a basket of flowers, throwing them all over the pathway as flower girl. Lost Soul pulls out his camera, sitting on the bride side. The big door opens, revealing Ramia in a beautiful, white, flowning dress. Bro holds her as they walk down the altar, Lost Soul holding his camera up to record. Ramia reached the altar and Nash pulls off the wedding veil. Bro sits on the bride side as Ramia flashes Nash a smile. "How do I look?" she asks. "You look absolutely beautiful," Nash replies. "Hear ye! Hear ye!" Helen yells, getting everyone's attention. "Well, good. Today we celebrate the true love brought between this man and woman, Nash Tracy and Ramia Sonya. We bless their love with questions to see if they're meant to be together," Helen announces, then Nash and Ramia grabs each other's hands, flashing each other with a smile. "So Ms. Sonya, do you take Nash as your offerly wedded husband to love, care, and help through troubles?" Helen asks. "I do," Ramia answers. "And Mr. Tracy, do you take Ramia as your offerly wedded wife to love, care, and help through troubles?" Helen asks. "Damn right I do," Nash answers, receiving a few chuckles from the room. "Then I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," Helen announces. "No. I'm not going to kiss her...I'm gonna fuck her right here on the altar," Nash replies, Ramia gasping. "Nash! My parents are here!" Ramia yells, embarrassed, then Nash chuckles. "Relax, baby. I was just joking," Nash replies, then holds Ramia down, giving her a big kiss on the lips. Her hands are placed on his cheeks as both their eyes slowly close. Everybody stands up and applause. "Whoo! NASH!!!" Ginna screams out, standing on the groom side. She jumps up and down with excitement.

Funny/WTF Adventure of Ginna MomentsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora