Chapter 13 - Trauma

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            True to his words, Will is waiting in the van already and Sammy is next to him, chatting joyfully. He has a different expression, smiley and interested. I see them laughing as Will pokes her, making her squirm and try to get away from him, yet his hands are faster and he's poking her somewhere else, making her laugh hysterically.

It's such a shock to see the scene that my feet stop on their own as I just watch them. He looks kind, lovable and caring as he plays with Sammy, who seems to be having the time of her life, but when he looked at me I could only see icy hatred that chilled me to the bone.

How can that be the same person?

"You okay?" Nora asks me, turning to look at me over her shoulder. She kept walking while I stayed behind.

Her voice breaks through my thoughts and makes me react. I shake my head and ignore the confusion in my brain that this lad has caused. I don't care if he is nice to others when he's so cruel to me. A person should be consequent, right? If he's an arse, then he should be an arse to everyone.

Once I heard that when looking for a boyfriend, you had to look at how he treated a stranger and a waiter because those would point his real personality and opinion on people. We all are more caring and different with the people we love, because we love them. Our true colours show with the people we don't give a crap about, right?

I might see the world in a matter of profit and loss, but when I deal with people I always am polite and regard them just like any other person. They are all people to me and I won't be mean to them unless they attack me first.

Will, on the other hand, treated me like rubbish without even hearing my side of the story. He didn't smile, introduce himself or regarded me as a person, just because he doesn't give two shits about me.

I square my shoulders, stand straighter and walk with all the dignity I can, considering I need a crutch to help me and every step makes my ribs hurt even more, but I grit my teeth and control my expression so I won't give away my struggle.

Once we make it to the van, Sammy rushes to the back and helps Nora to make me climb and sit. I don't even look at Will and I'm sure he isn't looking at me, just hoping this will be over soon so we don't have to be around each other. Nora then takes the passenger's seat next to Will and he turns on the ignition.

I lost my belongings in the accident, so I don't have my phone or anything to listen to music and although what is playing is relaxing, it doesn't block the sounds around me, the people around me. Without headphones, I'm still able to hear Sammy asking Will about uni and his life, or until when he's staying and more. I do my best not to listen, to tune out, but it's hard.

"I'm not sure for how long. I took some time off from uni because I had things to do, but things got a bit chaotic back there so we've all decided to stay quiet for a while so no one gets in trouble. We don't want to break the law and end up in a police station, we just want to tell the world what's wrong and coax them that they should start taking action against the other people who continuously wrong them."

I clench my good fist, refusing to look at the rearview mirror because I'm sure he'll be glaring at me through it, saying I'm one of those people who wrong others and how the rest should stand up against me.

I don't need to see that to know that's what he thinks.

"What if you talk to the bad people and ask them to be nice?" Sammy asks innocently and for a second Will's perfect facade falls as he snorts, mockingly.

"Aw, sweet Sammy. I wish it was that easy. But the bad people don't want to talk to us or listen, because if they do, they might lose money and what's more important to them? Our lives or their profit?"

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