Alarms and Poker

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I slapped phone off my bedside table, as the annoying and loud alarm rang. "Dude, what the fu-"
I sit up and stretch. Quickly, I grabbed my clothes and hopped into the shower. Man, why is this shower always so freakin' hot?
I turned the knob so the water become cool.
After thirty minutes of showering and changing, I jogged downstairs to get breakfast. I dumped some FrootLoops into a bowl and splashed milk onto the cereal.
I sat down at the table and pulled out my phone from my pocket, which is where I put when I finished changing. The time read six thirty-one and I had gotten ten messages from my friends.
Livy asked if we could come to here fifteenth birthday party. She also said she texted the wrong person and now Kyle, who has a crush on Livy, is going to her party.
Katie replied with a couple yeses and OMGs. She even sent us a long message about how she felt about my cousin Andy.
He's the same age as us and he has a small crush on Katie. She texted about how she didn't know if she likes him back or not.
I just rolled my eyes and shut my phone off. I wish I could say I, Violet, didn't have boy problems, but I do.
Yep. His name is Cooper. He doesn't leave me alone and finds it amusing that I hate him. After finishing the tasty cereal, I put the bowl in the sink and sat back down at the kitchen table. I tapped my screen as I played Flappy Bird.
I got a text from Cooper as soon as I was going to get a high score of two hundred eighty one. I clicked on the message after the small, yellow bird fell to the ground.
He wanted to know if we had geo homework. I typed back a quick "no" and he sent back a "😉"
I giggled. I never do that. "What?" I say as I realise Andy was watching the whole thing. He started living with me when his parents were going to get divorced, but then they got back together (for like the fiftieth time!)
We don't get along well and since the house really any of ours, it's hard to argue without one of my grandparents stepping in.
Yep. Grandparents, I live with my grandparents because we couldn't keep up with bills. Yep. Bills.
Seems like their always a problem. I got out of the chair and headed for the front door. School time.

  I slipped out of Andy's car and into school. Kyle, Livy, and Katie have lockers near each other. Andy and Cooper's lockers are kinda close. My locker is a distant journey from theirs.
  I entered the Freshmen wing to see a crazy hallway filled with teens and teachers walking or running everywhere. I walked past Andy and Coopers lockers where both of them stood in a crowd, leaving their lockers wide open. The trio's lockers were next. Kyle was drooling over Livy. She ignored him as she talked to Katie and Sofia, another girl in my grade. I waved to them and they waved back. I finally reached my locker at the end of the hall. Boys stood by my locker laughing. I pulled a note taped to the outside of my locker that said, "You can't touch our dicks! Bitch!"
  I turned around and gave them all the finger. "What the hell!" One shouted. "Oh! She flippin' all you assholes off!" Another shouted. Teachers shooed them away.
  Cooper came to my locker with his books in his hand. "Andy just won a Pokémon battle against Richard."
  I smirk. "Stop gossiping, mean girl." He slaps my arm. I spin the lock to open my locker. Cooper left for Science where I would met him. We sat next to each other in Science and Math. Plus, we have every class together. Why? Because teachers suck.
  I grab all the books I need and hurry to Science, right before she shuts the door. I sneak into my seat and Cooper pokes me. "You were almost late." He whispers. I ignore his ignorance and
listen to Mrs.Hill. He kept poking me, and I kept ignoring him. At the end of class I slap his shoulder and whisper, "Fucking, touch me again, and pull your limbs off."
  He placed a hand on his chest and says, "Shots fired."
  I roll my eyes and head to Geography and Mapping class.

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