Fear the Wait and Wait for Fear

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My face burned. My eyes couldn't hold back. Tears streamed from my eyes. What just happened made me feel so stupid. I sat up and grabbed my phone doing so. I breathed heavily. I FaceTimed Livy. Her face popped up on the screen. She rubbed her eyes. "It's four in the morning and I just fell asleep. What the fu- I mean what the food do you want?"
"What the food?" I question.
"Shut up and explain."
I sighed. I explained how I saw the grocery guy, Kody apologising, and Cooper thinking we did something. I let out an awkward huff. "Hell that dream felt so real." Livy raised her eyebrows in disbelief.
  She rolled her eyes and put me on pause. "Your jaunty attitude makes me sick." I hear the tapping of her thumb on her phone.
  "Not you. I'm on Instagram. Jordan posted a picture of her and Ava dancing at midnight."
  I shake my head. "She's a bitch." Livy un-paused me. She nodded. "Probably a fuckgirl too."
  I laugh. "Yeah she probably is." I let out another sigh. "I guess I should try to sleep." Livy smiled.
"Thanks V." She ended the conversion by pressing the end button. I put my phone back on the side of my bed and let my head hit the pillow. My eyes got heavy. I started to drift away, but woken by the noise of a loud beeping. My body jumped like a frog leaping onto a muddy log. Slapping my phone, I let out an angry moan.
"Fucking alarm! I don't want to get up!"
Madelyn sat up. "Shut the fuck up!" She gave me the finger real quick, then went back into her deep sleep. "Why don't you fuck off." I mumble.
I let my bare feet hit the creaky, old floor boards. My feet felt cold stepping into the bathroom. I flicked on the light as I shut the door. My clothes hit the floor. The chilly air hit my bare skin. I placed my hand under the running water. It went from cold to warm. I watched the water drip off my skinny, wrinkly, ugly fingers. I stepped inside the shower. My body felt empty as the water rained on me. My eyes were heavy. I felt the shampoo trickle down my body. It ran down my bony shoulders. Down my almost-flat stomach. It raced across my fat thighs, knobby knees, and ugly legs. The conditioner did the same. I stepped out of the shower after washing my oddly shaped body with the soap and turning off the shower. I wiped the dripping water off me. I slipped on my leggings, P!ATD shirt, and Forever 21 sweatshirt. My eyes begun to water as I wiped the mirror to see my reflection. My hair curled into an ugly black color when it was wet. My birthmark sat on my left cheek next to a small pimple. My big nose planted between my deep brown eyes. Thoughts whizzed through my head.
Kill it.
Hurt that ugly thing.
He doesn't like you!
He wouldn't miss you.
Just do it.
Guns are the answer.
My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Hurry up bitch!" Andy's deep voice exclaimed.
"Fuck off bovine!" I snap.
"Nerd." Andy mumbles loudly. I rolled my eyes and exited the bathroom. School stood before me. What the fuck was I supposed to do?


I stood up as the bell rang. Rushing out of class with everyone else. I spun the lock and pushed in my combination. After packing my bag and double-checking that I had everything, I met Livy and Katie at their lockers.
"Hey." I say in a melancholy voice. Katie shoved a book in her bag and slammed her locker.
"Sup." She smiles, speaking in her jaunty voice. Katie slung her bag over her shoulder. Livy smiled. "Hi." Her eyes looked watery.
  I giggled. "Ready to walk home with me." I joke. Livy and Katie glare at me as if I had ten heads and was falling of a cliff into a pit of nothing. "Just kidding."
  They broke into laughter as we parted. They headed for the busses. I headed for the auditorium, where I would wait until I could go outside and wait to be picked up. Waiting. Always waiting.

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