Freckles and Glasses

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  "Your kids will be tall, with freckles and glasses. Oh! And really smart!" Katie teases at lunch.
  I felt myself blush. "We're not fucking dating!" I shout. I shove a French fry in my mouth.
"Your kids would be so fucking fat and short!" I tease back.
She blushes and shakes her head. "Chill." Livy says. I finish chewing my fry.
   "Freckles and glasses!" Katie chants.
  "Short and fat!" I chant.
  "Chill!" Livy yells. "Would you two shut the hel- I mean heck, up!"
  "No!" Katie and I say at the same time. We had went out to lunch with her brother John. John and Shawn sat at a different table.
  We chilled at McDonald's. I ate some salty fries. Katie and Livy ate a Big Mac. Livy bought two because she thinks there small. John and Shawn only ordered sodas because the ate at their dorm before they picked us up at Livy's apartment.
  Katie bit into the sandwich viciously. "Geez, T-Rex. Calm down!" Livy scolds.
  A girl from our school, Mack, was wiping the counter clean.
  She waved to me and I waved back. She didn't seem like the person to work at McDonald's.
  I looked back at Katie to see her gnawing at the sandwich. "Hungry?" I ask her. She nods while chewing her food. I giggled. Livy finished her second sandwich. I finished my fries. The guys were ready to go and Katie finished up her sandwich.
  We hopped into John's truck and he dropped me back off at home. I had asked my cousin Casey, to bring me to Cooper's.
  He said he had a surprise for me. I sat on the front porch waiting. She pulled up and I walked to the car. "Hop in!" She yells.


We made it too Copper's quickly. I hopped out of the car and thanked her. "No prob. Love ya." I nod and wave good bye.
She drove into the distance. I knocked on the door.
Cooper answered. He wore a red Nike shirt and black shorts. "Hey."
"Hi. What's the surprise?"
He grabs my hand and pulls me through the kitchen.
  We walked into the dark living room. The only light was coming from a chandler, hanging straight above the center of living room (which is where we were standing).
  Quiet music played in the background. He spun me around.
  "Has that always been there?" I point to the chandler. I hadn't noticed it last time.
  "Yeah, you didn't look up?" He stared at me in confusion, while I shook my head.
  "I don't look up, I usually look down."
  "Maybe you should look up for once."
  I stared up at the chandler. I could hear him giggle. "That's not what I meant."
He grabbed my other hand. We suede from side to side. "I brought you here, because no one is home and I thought you might want to talk."
I let him dance with me because I didn't really care any more. He was going to this crap all the time so I might get used to it.
"Well," I start. "I never told you, but in sixth grade, after my mom's death. You were the only one who told me to say positive. Thank you. I hadn't heard that word in years and I hoped you would tell my again. I guess you just did." He smiled.
His face turned red. "What?" I ask.
"Your nose turns red when your around me. You look like a bunny."
I giggled as he continued.
"When your hair sticks to your face, you look like a bunny with whiskers."
I dropped his hands and slapped his chest. "Shut it!"
He laughed and put his hand on his chest. "Shots...fired." He says, trying to regain his breath from laughing.
I stared up at him. I automatically smiled. He did too. That's when my phone buzzed. I pulled it out of my pocket. It was my dad. He wanted to know where I was.
I texted back a reply. At my friends.
He sent back an okay and I saw Cooper looking worried. "Do you have to go?"
Tears dripped out of my eyes as the thought of my mom, suicide, and Cooper rushed through my head. That happens a lot.
He wrapped his arms around me as I cried. "Sorry." I whispered.
"It's fine." He said, running his hand down my head. He stroked my hair.
I let out a giggle. "What? He asks.
"Freckles and glasses." My mouth blurts out the words so they were audible. He let out a deep laugh.

Sorry but the picture are not going to exactly match the characters but I'm trying.
~Love y'all~

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