Texts and Confusion

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  I jogged up stairs. I kicked Patrick out of our room. He and Madelyn had been playing FIFA on the Xbox. Madelyn sighed. "We were having fun. Plus we weren't arguing."
  "I don't care Mads. I want peace and quiet right now."
  "Fine." She said. She walked out of the room, huffing in anger.
  I clicked on my phone to see a list of texts from Livy and Katie. I punched my pass code into my phone, the code being one of the easiest codes in the world to figure out. I opened my texts. Katie sent Livy and I a picture of us last year at the beach. Livy and I were swinging on the tire swing, at the beach, mangers had just put up that day. I let out a laugh and clicked my phone off.
Tonight was so weird.

***********Next Day************

I grabbed my bag and headed for the library. My grandma wanted me to renew her book. She only wants me to because my great aunt is coming over and she wants quiet time with her. I jogged for a bit until I got to the old flower shop house. If you couldn't tell by the name, it was a flower shop. I stopped jogging and peered past the corner of the house. Their little terroir wasn't there. I started jogging again.
I almost made it past the house when I heard barking. "Damn you and your little dog too." I whisper. I turned the street corner and made it to the library. I walked up the stairs and to the door. I swung it open. I put a hand in the door so it wouldn't slam. I did the same with the other door. I saw Cooper at the study table. Why is this kid always here? I thought. I walked slowly past him to the check out counter, hoping he wouldn't notice me. I put the book on the counter and whispered to the lady. "Renew this please."
"Yep. Dolan?" She said in confusion.
"Yes." I say nodding. She smiled, scanning the book again. "Here sweetie." I thanked her and took the book. Cooper sat at the study table, drawing on a piece of yellow paper. He didn't notice me. I sat next to him, after I hung my bag on the back of the chair. "Whatcha drawing?" I say. No answer.
"Coop?" I wave my hand in front of his face.
He finally says something, but it's not what I was planning. "I can hear you, I'm just ignoring you."
"Oh, but you don't ignore people." I say. It's true, the people he ignores are his brothers.
"How was were short date with Kody after I left."
"It wasn't a date."
"Oh really. Then you should of gotten out of that truck and let me get a beating."
I shook my head. "Coop, once you left, he tried to drink. I didn't let him. We barely even said anything."
I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Andy. "You two come with me."
"Your not going to put us in a van this time, are you?" I ask, jokingly. Cooper didn't find it funny. He just stood up, ready to go with Andy. I stood too. "No cars this time." Andy said, smirking.
He lead us out of the library and down it's hilly side, to the weird pair of stairs. Beside the stairs, is a door. In front of the door, is a small pathway, surrounded by small trees. I stood in front of the door. Kody walked up the stairs and faced me.
Andy held Cooper back. Cooper tugged, but there was no way he was getting out of Andy's grip. Andy had his arms wrapped around Cooper's mouth and body, pressing him towards the ground.
I tensed when I saw Kody's face, angry. I froze for a second, hearing his voice sound deeper then usual. "Violet and Cooper. I sent you here because I wanted Violet to know the pain I go through without my beer. Cooper is here to watch. I want to see him suffer."
Kody swung a punch at my stomach. I winced and held my stomach. He slapped my face, then punch my shoulder. He kicked my leg and I fell to the ground. "Kody...stop!" I yell, in between punches. He stopped and helped me up. He pushed me against the door. "Looks like Cooper's friend needs help. Does she need her booboos kissed?" He leaned into my face, he held my arms against the door. I squirmed. His face got closer to mine. I heard a yell, then Kody was ripped away from me. I looked down at the ground to see Cooper punching Kody repeatedly. Andy was trying to pull Cooper off. I kicked Kody in the stomach. "Let's go Coop." Cooper stood, but Andy got a grip on him. I stood behind Andy. I kicked in between his legs. Andy let go, falling to the floor, gripping his crouch. Cooper helped me up the hill. I was in pain everywhere. Cooper rushed me into the bathroom. He pulled out the first aid kit. I stood at the sink, washing the blood away from my arm. He took out a band-aid and ripped the wrapper away from it.
His large fingers placed the bandage across my arm. "Here." He says, as it sticks to my arm. "Thank you." I whisper. He pulled out an ice pack. He stood next to me to place it on my head. He grabbed my hand and brought it to my head. "Hold it here." I smile. Through the mirror, I saw his face blush.
"You don't have to do this." I say, bringing my eyes from the mirror. My reflection scared me. I was as ugly as hell. Why did this kid like me? He placed his fingers under my chin, forcing me to look in the mirror. I saw the countless freckles on his face. He smiled. He removed his fingers from my chin. He placed his hands at my sides. A chill went up my spine. I got nervous. He must have know because he removed his hands from my sides.
He looked at my leggings. "What about your legs?" He asks. I shrug and bend down to lift my pant cuff up. This was the only leg he kicked. It was full of sore bruises. Cooper got on his knees to see the bruises. I looked down at the awkward position we were in. "Just rest your leg." He said, gently pulling the pants over my leg.
"I can do that." I say. He shook his head, "I got it." He stood in front of me, his face close to mine. I turned to the sink and started packing up the kit. I shut it and looked at his sad face. "Sorry." I whisper. He put the kit in the shelf of the bathroom where we found it. I was about to walk out of the bathroom when Cooper's hand was brought to my shoulder. I turned to see a smiling, freckled face boy.
"What?" I ask. He smirked, turning red. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled my in, gently so I wouldn't wince in pain. His hug felt good right now.

Tell me who you guys ship in the comments! Jo and Andy? Coop and V, or V and Kody (which is unlikely now)? Livy and Kyle? Livy and Kody B (not the Kody who beat V up)? Katie and Kody or Katie and Andy? What do you guys think? Comment!
Love y'all!

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