Side Notes and People

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Author Time!

We know Violet is a girl who has no vanity over her looks. She can't stand herself, yet again, she can't stand her life either. She loses herself in ugly thoughts over what she believes is an ugly body. V has no control over her emotions for Cooper. She can't decide if she does or doesn't like him or if he still likes her. As you know, there has been a little fight going on between them. Remember that V is emotional and cries easily as we saw in the last chapter. Her history is worse. Her mom died years after her memé she never got to talk to died. She's been the girl who would talk to the popular kids, but they would never consider her as a friend. She wouldn't either. Living most her life as Aislinn's pet, she has had better friends for years now, but will it last? None of the gang have been fighting, but will an argument brake out like V and Cooper's?
Cooper is boy who as been popular since he stepped foot into school. He and V have been friends since first grade. Cooper now has a reputation for being popular, being around V would cause that teenage dream to fall down the drain. With friendships, sports, and school to balance, he has no time for drama. Nor a girlfriend, but if a popular girl was to date him... Well that would bring his reputation up by a million. Can he do it without hurting V? He too has lost a family member, and knows the depression. Is this why he is hurting everyone he's talking to? Cooper is confused and ready to break hearts along the way.
  Livy went through a parents divorce, rejection, and heart break. After finishing off the family, Livy's parents divorced. She moved away from all her friends at Whales to Charlton where V became her friend instantly. Years went by. They met Katie and things were okay. Until Livy sent a letter to a boy in sixth grade who she hadn't talk to in five years from Whales. Her and this boy may have kissed on the bus in first grade. Twice. After receiving the letter, Daniel (the guy) responded with a simple question that left Livy heartbroken.
Who are you?
  Now Livy is going through the same thing with Kyle, but must hide it from her friends. (See omorin734 's Friends for Life for details) She doesn't know who to trust, or who to protect. After what Kody did to V, she knows Cooper could do the same.
  Katie is short and scared. Her parents divorce, too. Her brother has always gotten his way. Life gets harder everyday as she is bullied by students for her height. She mustn't tell anyone for the fear that she will be beaten up. Her jaunty attitude and positive ways hide what she feels. Scared that after three relationships that haven't lasted two days, she will end up like her parents.
  Andy's parents can't decide if they love each other. This leaves Andy lost about everything. Andy lives in his brother's shadow. He always wants attention, but gets pushed to the curb. When he starts hanging out with Kody and his crew, he starts to learn life has solutions to problems. Not all are good.
  Griffen couldn't be better. He's popular, got a pretty girlfriend, and has two colleges fighting over him. Downside is, he comes home to two arguing parents and a younger, troubled brother. After years of arguing and fighting, Griffen just can't cry in the bathroom anymore.
   I love writing this book. This chapter was just a recap on the history of some of our characters. Kody's history will be mentioned soon, don't worry.

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