Graduation and Maroon 5

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  Graduation day has arrived! It's been a week since Cooper and I's "problem" in the woods. He hasn't told anyone.
Summer! Next year, we will be sophomores! Wooohoooo!
Cooper, Livy, Katie, Andy and I went to Charlton's Pizza Pie to celebrate. It's not much of a graduation but, we made it through the year so I mean...
"So," Cooper says as he places the pizza on the table. We all shared a booth. I sat down and patted the sit, signalling Livy to sit there. Instead, she sat next to Katie on the opposite side of the booth.
She smirked as Cooper plopped down next to me. Andy pulled up a chair and sat at the end of the table.
We all took two or three pieces and shoved them in our mouths.
"I was hoping you guys could come chill at my place." Cooper finished his sentence as he placed pizza on his plate.
"I can, V can too, I know she can." Andy replied. When Cooper wasn't looking, I gave Andy the finger. Cooper looked down at my empty plate. "Shit you ate fast."
I nod. He tried to poke my side, but I slapped his hand away.
  "What about you two?" He asked Livy and Katie. I made my begging face. I pout and clap my hands together.
"Fine." Katie says.
"When?" Livy asked.
"I guess," I smiled. "not." Livy smirked. I mouth, "I hate you!" To her.
I smile at Katie who breaks out laughing. Andy started laughing and Cooper's face turned deep red. Livy and I stared at each other.
When we all finished our pizza, we all hoped in Cooper's mom's car. I texted my dad. He was fine with it since my friends would be there. We pulled into his driveway of his huge house. We walked into his big kitchen, then to his living room. A huge radio boomed the song Animals by Maroon 5.
A big TV showed football plays. There was a huge black couch, with stairs behind it, leading upwards to the top floor.
"Sick!" Andy shouts. It echoed through the house.
"My brothers and my dad are gone. My mom will be here though." Cooper explains.
Katie nudged my arm and winked. I just rolled my eyes at her. Katie and Andy danced. Livy went to her dad's to celebrate.
When Katie and Andy weren't looking, Cooper dragged me upstairs. He pushed me into the first door on the left and I fell to the floor. He shut the door tightly.
"You didn't have to push me." I say as he helps me up.
"Yeah, but you wouldn't have came in so." Light beamed through the window. He had a twin-sized bed, a dresser, and a small TV. He even had his own desk with a laptop. "Cool room." I say looking around.
"Thanks V."
Bean bags sat in front of the TV. I plopped down in one, he sat in the other. He reaches for my hand but I slapped it away.
"I'm not supposed to be in here." I whisper. "I know, but I need to talk to you."
"If you shoot yourself, I don't know what I'd do. Maybe I'd become depressed or even shoot myself-"
Before he could finish, I placed my head on his shoulder (in a non-romantic way), scooting the bean bag closer to his and whispered, "Don't do any of those things, if I do any of those things." He smiled and brushed the hair out of my face. "Okay." He whispered back.
  I stood up and walked back downstairs and he followed.
"What did you two do up there?" Andy asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Cooper just showed me the house."
Cooper put a DVD in the disc player. "Showed her the house." Katie said using air quotes.
"Guys, let's just watch this movie." Cooper said. The menu popped up and it was Sinister Three. "I've been dying to see this movie!" I scream.
I sat on the couch. Cooper sat on my right, Katie on my left. Andy sat next to Katie. "I hate scary movies." Katie says.
Cooper hit play in the remote. "Maybe Andy will protect you." He jokes. He poked me side and slap his shoulder.
I looked over as Andy tried to wrap his arm around Katie. She slapped his chest and giggled. "Don't."

After the movie was over, Cooper's mom dropped us off at our houses. As I entered my house. I jogged upstairs and fell onto my bed. My head swirled with one question. Do I like Cooper? He's known me longer than my friends know me.
  Gods, it's so confusing. A little voice in my head said, "You know, nothing will be confusing if you pick up that gun." I shook my head to clear the thoughts. "Fuck no little voice." I say out loud.

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