Beaches and Woods

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"Maybe I do love him, but I love America!" Hilary Clinton said. I changed to channel. "I don't care if you love America, everyone loves America. Your such a fucking lair." I mumble the words under my breath. Even though Cooper wasn't here, he still likes Hilary. I don't know what wrong with that boy. My phone buzzed, causing me to almost leap off the couch. It was only Cooper.

(Cooper): Heyyy! So we're going to the beach tomorrow and I was wondering if you and you family (only ur dad, pat and mad) would like to come... Oh and we're leaving at nine

  I sighed. My dad was working tomorrow. I jogged upstairs, nearly tripping. Knock! "Dad?" That's when I realized he wasn't home.

(Violet): Ugh! My dad isn't home so I can't ask, he won't be home until Friday. I'll ask my Grandma if Mad, Pat and I could go. Hold on...

  I ran downstairs to the dining room. My grandma sat there, clicking away on the computer. "Gram, can me and my sibs go to the beach with Cooper and his brothers. Mr. Barton will be there."
She tapped her chin. "I guess. What time?"
"Nine. Tomorrow."
She nodded. "Sure, how are you getting there?"
"Hold on, I'll ask."

(Violet): since it was only be me, mad and pat, can ur dad pick us up¿

(Cooper): hold on...

(Cooper): yep, we can

(Violet): yes! We will b on the porch waiting for you tomorrow morning! Thx!

(Cooper): np

"Gram, his dad can pick us up." I say, shutting off my phone. My grandma closed Facebook and opened a game. "Okay, sounds like fun. It's tomorrow right?"
"Okay what?"
"V, it's okay to go!" She said, jokingly. I rolled my eyes when she wasn't looking and walked away. I typed a response to Cooper after my phone buzzed.

(Cooper): Are you going to be in 👙 bikini??

(Violet): no u asshole!

(Cooper): then what r u going to wear?

(Violet): A swim shirt and shorts

(Cooper): Your such a boy

(Violet): I know thank you...


  I pushed Pat and Madelyn into Coop's minivan. I sat in between Joey and Cooper in the back. Madelyn and Pat sat in front of us. Joey smiled at me, face turning red. "I'm happy you came." I smiled. "I'm happy I did, too." His face turned a deeper red. He stared out the window. I looked at Cooper. "Thanks for inviting me." I whisper. He nods. "Thanks for accepting the invite."
His dad turned down the radio. "So, Violet. How's it goin'?"
"Good. You?"
He smiled. "Great. Thank you."
I looked back at Cooper to see his eyes glaring at my swimsuit. I wore a white swim crop top type thing and black shorts. Over it was laced cover up sweater thing. I have no idea what these things are called. I slapped his arm quietly. "Take a picture-"
"It last longer, I know." He said, rolling his eyes. Chris sat in the front seat, looking at his phone. I held my phone in my hand. I felt something touch my hand. I turned my head to see Cooper looking out the window, trying act cool as he slipped his hand on mine. I just stifled back a laugh and pulled my hand away. "Try harder." I whisper. He looks at me this time, but with a weird face. I smile and shake my head, looking in another direction. He slipped his hand on mine. I immediately look at him. He stared down at me. "I tried harder this time." I just smiled, feeling the red on my face. I knew blushing was fine because Cooper's face was red also. He looked out the window, his hand still in mine. I stared out of Joey's window.
  It a few minutes for Joey to notice I ignorantly staring out his window. He swung his head to see my face, glaring outside. He started smirking. He put his hand on his mouth to prevent giggling. His eyes went across my lap. Joey was laughing at Cooper and I's hand holding. I looked down at our matching rings. I felt so stupid for letting Joey see them. "When did he buy you that?" Joey whispered.
  I leaned over to his ear so he could hear. "I don't know, but he gave them to me a week ago."
  He nodded his head in agreement. Chris turned up the radio. The song Hotline Bling blared. Patrick pointed out the window at a hawk. It flew above a house, then swooped down, huddling towards the ground. We drove by to fast to see what happened next. Cooper looked down at my legs. The bruises were almost gone, but the pain still surged through me. He looked at me sympathetically. I wonder what his kind-of-erudite mind was thinking. I crossed my legs so the he could she the bruised one better. "Feeling any better." He said in my ear.
  "My arm still hurts, but the bruises are nearly gone." I say my statement in his ear so he can, too, hear over the loud music. He placed a finger shoulder. "Have you looked at the cut?"
I shook my head. "May I?" He asked. I nodded. He slowly ripped the bandage from my arm. The cut was healing well. I new it would probably scab over. He ran his finger under the cut. I bit my bottom lip to keep from wincing. "Does it hurt?" He asked. This kid was full of questions. I nod. He removed his finger quickly. His hand wasn't on mine anymore, I realized. Mr.Barton pulled the minivan into the parking lot. Practically no one was here. Either that or they all car pooled. We helped carry things like towels, blankets, coolers, and all the typical things you would bring to the beach. We set up at a picnic table under the trees. Madelyn and Pat ran for the lake after putting on sunscreen. I sprayed some on me. My feet on hot in my sneakers.
  "Coop, wanna walk the hiking trail?" He finished spraying himself. "Dad, we're going to hike to trail."
  "K kids. Have fun and be careful."
  I waved good-bye to him as we entered the woods.
  "So, why do you want to walk to trail with me?" Cooper asked as a couple scooted by us.
  "Because hiking is fun." I answer. I point to a hidden trail. "Come this way." I ran down the trail to a little patch of sand, looking out to the lake.
  "How did you know this was here?" Cooper asked. He kicked of his sandals.
  "My dad walks this path with us a lot." I say, taking off my sneakers.
  "You wear sneakers to the beach?"
  "I have ugly feet."
  I took off my socks and instantly put my feet in the water. I sat in the sand, looking at my hidden feet. Cooper did the same. "Can I see your feet?" He raised his eyebrow.
  "No. That's way I just ran into the water to hide my feet."
  I placed my arms at my sides to prop me up. Cooper did the same. His hand reached mind. I pulled away. He scooted closer to me. He did this until we were sitting thigh to thigh. His arm wrapped around me. His other hand on my thigh. Our legs were attached out in the water. I grasped his hand so mine was on top of his. Cooper leaned his face close to mine. I could tell he was going in for a kiss, so at the last second I turned my head and he kissed my cheek. I laughed at his disappointed face, but was interrupted by the shaking bush behind us. A boy popped out. "No sucking faces nerds. This is my spot." Kody looked down at us. I stood up and shook my feet so the water droplets would fly off. I scrambled to put my socks and shoes on quickly, but it was to late. Kody punched Cooper. "When you going little girl? Don't you wanna see your man fight." I was sitting on the ground, I finished tying my shoe. When I looked up, I saw Cooper on the sand. Kody was approaching me. I slid backwards so he couldn't reach me. Kody swore and ran back through the bushes. He was drunk. I got off my butt and ran to Cooper. He had a huge bruise on his arm and face. I slapped cold water on his face to wake him. His eyes opened slowly. I helped him sit. "Cooper are you okay? Thank God you can sit up." He nodded. "I'ma going to need a kiss." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah right."
  "Well will you kiss my bruise?" He asked. His voice was tired.
  I leaned in to his cheek to kiss the bruise. At last the last second, he turned his head. I kissed his lips. He kissed back, placing a hand on my cheek. I pulled away. Both our faces red. His hand ran down my cheek before he removed it. "My first kiss." He whispered. I nodded. "Mine, too."
  I helped him up. We walked back to the beach in silence. What happened to us? Why didn't I stop myself? Why did I even want to kiss his bruise? The one question that sat in my head, was still unanswered. Do I like Cooper?

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