Pain and Fear

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Cooper's POV

  My swelled with tears as sat down on the comfortable chair in front of the Principal's desk. I sniffled when I heard the door shut behind Mr. Pearson. He sat at his desk, tapping his pen on his desk. My eyes cried harder, remembering that V had done the same with her pencil. He slid a box of tissues across the desk.
"Take one."
"Thank you." I say, pulling out a soft tissue. I pressed it against my nose and blew out hard. I took another one, except this time, I wiped my eyes. I tossed the snot-filled tissue into the trash bin next to his desk as if it was a basketball. I looked up at Mr. Pearson's deep green eyes. Looking away, tears slowly start to fill my eyes again. "What happen?" He finally asks, breaking the silence in the room. I stared up at the trophies in the corner of the room.
"We were arguing. I scared her and she flew over the railing. I couldn't...I couldn't save...her." Tears filled my eyes, making my vision blurry.
"You didn't push her?"
I shook my head. Biting my lip to keep the tears from spilling, I stood up. "Can I go home or to the hospital or somewhere?"
Mr. Pearson nodded. "Thank you." I mumble.


I awoke my insides. My eyes shut and everything black, but I knew what was happening. Beeping, mumbles across the room, wheels rolling by. I was at the hospital. The fall, that's why I'm here. I panicked. I felt the urge to shake and scream "I'm awake!", but my body wouldn't move. Then, I felt my body slowly shut down. Why? I have no clue.


My mind awoke. A deep voice was speaking to me. "It's all my fault." I knew instantly that it was Cooper. "I shouldn't have been such a jerk."
I wanted to tell him that it was okay and that everything was okay, but I couldn't. My mouth wouldn't move. "V, please wake up." I was awake, just not in a way that he could see.

Cooper's POV

  I pulled up a chair next to V's bed, talking. I knew what I said would be worth less since she couldn't her me, but I really needed to talk to her. It's been two days since the accident. Her family has visited twice and so has her friends. I finally mustered up the courage to visit her today. "V, please wake up." I repeat. I felt her soul stirring, but not her body.
  Here goes nothing. "In first grade, I saw how you made the kid who wouldn't smile laugh. In second, not only did I want that Pokémon card, but I wanted to impress you with all the cards I had. Third and fourth grade, kids made fun of me for liking Anna, but I liked you. I just couldn't say it. The years beyond, you started to not talk to me. You'd just smile or nod. I couldn't stand that. I could tell you were always embarrassed or sad. I could see how much you wanted to talk, but the words wouldn't come out. When you started saying things to me, my life changed. I changed."
  With that, I left. I drove to V's house. I had just gotten my license a couple days ago. Me being a year older then everyone in my grade came with advantages. My heart dropped when I pulled into the driveway. I pulled the handle to open the door of my small car. Walking slowly up to door, I felt my life hit me like a bus. I had to face a family of sad people, waiting for me to explain that we were arguing and she flew off the railing.
  I knocked quietly on the door three times. I was about to do it again when Madelyn opened the door. "Coop!" She shouted. She wrapped her arms around my stomach, hugging me. Patrick pulled her off me. "Hey man." He said, high-fiving me. Griffen did the same.
  "It's nice seeing you all." I said, smiling. I sighed as V's dad, Frank, stepped down the stairs. I shook his hand. "Hey Mr-"
"Call me Frank."
"Are you sure?" I question.
He nods. "My daughter, she really like you."
I smiled. "I liked her, too. I still do." His eyes lit up with anger but he smiled. I sat awkwardly at the dining room table. Everyone sat around me. Her aunt, uncle, grandma, grandpa, siblings, cousins, and her father.
  "What happened?" Frank started.
  I explained the argument and how stupid I was. I explained how fragile she was, how I scared her, and how her body flipped back.
  "You didn't try to save her? Asshole."
  "Well did you?"
  I nodded. "I tried but I couldn't. I..." My voice trailed off as tears filled my eyes. "Sorry." I mumbled. Madelyn patted my back.
  "We know it wasn't your fault." She smiled, then slapped the back of my head. "Now get outta here before my dad shoots you!"
  I got up, knowing she was serious. Driving home, I thought about V and the beach. Why did I kiss her? Why did I ever love her? If I hadn't cared, I wouldn't be in this. If I hadn't cared, I wouldn't live with myself.

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