Lovers and Haters

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Katie's POV

The last day of summer. I sat on my couch, home alone like always, hoping someone bring some hope. I scrolled through movies on Netflix. I got a notification that my phone was at twenty percent. (20%) I flopped off the couch. I lied on the floor, searching for my charger. "I put you here last night." I mumbled. I pushed books and food wrappers —from last night when I was watching tv on the couch— out of the way. My phone charger hid behind the Kit Kat wrappers. I snatched it up and pulled it into the wall. I attached my phone to the other end. Standing up, I dropped my phone onto the rug. I let it charge as I sat back down on the brown, soft couch.
  I jumped right off the couch when someone barged in. I sat on the floor, laughing, trying to get up. I heard the door shut. Fear ran over me like a bus, yet I still laughed. I struggled getting up until Ryan put out his hand to help me up. "Wow. Never seen someone jump like that." He pulled he up so that I was really close to him. I kissed his lips, wrapping my arms around his neck. He put his hands on my waist and kissed me back, harder. I started to lose my balance. Ryan held me tighter so I wouldn't fall. His lips felt good against mine. Ever since our first date at the baseball stadium, Ryan and I have been waiting for a minute alone. I had my first kiss on the lips with him at Fenway. I've had kisses on the cheek, forehead, nose, and even my hand, by guys. Never a real kiss. He pulled me off of him. Panting, we both sat on the couch. I didn't know how to tell Livy that I was dating him. Especially V. Her and Ryan have been enemies since fifth grade. I looked Ryan in his eyes. "I love you." I said, reaching for his hand. He instantly grabbed my hand before I could reach his. He gave me a peck on the cheek. "I love you, too."
  I blushed. He brought his hands to my waist and picked me up, placing me on his lap. He was short (height you dirty readers!) like I am. I was a little taller then him when I was on his lap. He kissed me, I kissed back. Repeating the motions, kiss, then take a break to breath. He slipped his hands under my shirt and slowly brought it up. I slapped his hand. "Don't." I say, pulling away from his kiss, then going back in.

Cooper's POV

  I walked away from V's house, towards the library. Dad said he'd pick me up when I tell him to, as long as I'm not past curfew. I shot he a text to pick me up in ten. He sent back an okay. I stepped up the library stairs. "Cooper!" I stopped at the top of the stairs. I looked around. "Cooper!" I jogged down the stairs and followed the shouting. I turned the corner of the library and jogged down the hill. I stopped in front of the steps —the odd ones on the side of the library— and looked around. Out of no where, someone jumped on my back. I fell backwards. They jumped off before I hit the ground. I looked to see Kody standing over me. I kicked his legs. He had no reaction. I stood up, panting. Kody threw a punch at my stomach. I jumped out of the way. I punched him across his ugly face. He stumbled backwards, but didn't fall. I ran at him and gave him a hard kick in the stomach. "Ahhh!" He shouted. When he stopped whining, he punched my arm. I kicked him in the balls. He fell to the ground.
  "Leave me and my friends alone asshole." I walked back up the hill. I pulled out my phone and texted V.

Coop: V, meet me at the library

V: what?!? Why?

Coop: Kody...


  Violet entered the library. I got out of my chair and walked over to her. "Bathroom, now." We walked to the bathroom in silence. I shut the door. "He hurt you." She whispered. Her sad eyes looked up at me
  I nodded. Her face turned red. "How come when people look at you you turn red? Even when you stand up in front of class." She shook her head.
  "It's the attention. I don't like it. It makes me feel embarrassed."
  She looked down at the floor. I did, too. She broke the silence by walking to the first-aid kit. She pulled out a wipe. "Where's the bruises?" I lifted up my sleeve. She walked over the me and gently touched the bruise. "Just this one?" She asked. Her hair stuck to her face. It was always a mess, but it never bothered her. She looked up at me, then shifted her eyes back to bruise.

Back to V's POV!

  I threw the wipe away and shut the kit, placing it on the shelf. I turned to see Cooper staring at me. He shifted his eyes to the mirror. I turned to the mirror. There stood an ugly girl with messy teeth, messy hair and ugly glasses, next to a freckled face guy, who, too, had lost the happiness of a mother. Who, too, lost the happiness of life. Who, too, faked a smile everyday just to get by. Who, too, lost the meaning of life's happiness.

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