Honesty and Beatings

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After a lot of texting, I found out that Livy had sat on my porch, waiting to be picked up by her mom after she stormed out of my house. When Katie left, she saw Livy waiting and blurted out the whole story. I knew I shouldn't have told Katie!
  So now Livy wants to call the cops. I told her not to. I told her if she tells anyone, I would kill her. She backed off after awhile. Katie said she was sorry she said anything. I decided a walk would be calming. I stepped outside and felt the warm almost fall air against my face. My feet felt the impact of the ground inside my sneakers, each step, addicting. I ending up walking on the common in front of Katie's house. The wind blew my hair into my face. It was the last day of summer. I had done nothing extremely exciting. I can't even say a watched Netflix because my father doesn't like Netflix, which is why we don't have it. I crossed the street to the back of the library, where the fields were. I walked across the soccer field. I wished to be on that field again. Running, kicking, shooting. But, it all costed money. Money everyone but us had at the moment. The way this life turned out is incapable to describe. My feeling would always end up between the lines of hurt and sadness. The eyes of a strong person differ from the arms of a strong person. One tells you they are strong, the other shows the inner strength. I was the person who had no strong eyes nor arms. I was the person who, inside, took a personal beating. But I wasn't the only person. Everyone in life takes one to million beatings. The beatings being either physical or mental. The inside of our souls is more damaged then the heart.
  I sat down on the burning hot park bench, shielding my eyes from the extremely bright sun. The bench shook slightly as someone sat down next to me. That person so happened to be Kody C. His eyes looked meaner then before. I stood quickly and headed for home. My fast pace walking turned into a self-depressing run as his fast moving steps could be heard from behind me. I darted across the softball field that connect to soccer fields. I thought I was safe in the dugout until he turned into the small hut. I cursed under my breath. I felt the tears start up in my eyes. He brought his hand to my face repeatedly. Hard slaps across my face. He kicked my side, causing me to fall to the ground. He kicked my bruised leg and my not bruised leg repeatedly.
  He bent down over my face like he was going to help, but instead slapped my ear. He walked away, down the soccer field, back to the park bench. I layer there forever until he sat down on the bench. I pushed myself up and stood, aching. I pulled my phone out of my sweatshirt pocket and called Cooper. I sat on the bench of the dugout. My heart raced as he picked up. "What's shaken' bacon?"
  "Coop," I said. My voice so sad, I felt like crying at the sound of it. "he hurt me. At the softball dugout th-this time."
   His voice boomed louder than before. "I'll be right there!"
  "Don't tell anyone."
  "Not until the time is right."
  He hung up.


  Cooper sat me down on the library bathroom floor like last time. He grabbed the first aid kit off the top shelf. "He can't keep doing this V. He can't." He sat next to me. He pulled out a cleaning wipe and pulled the edge of my leggings up to my knee. Both my legs were now bruised. He lightly wiped the top. "Why are you cleaning the bruises?" I ask. His face turned red.
  "I heard online that it's good for the bruise."
  "Oh really?" I say, raising an eyebrow.
  "Yes. Now let the doctor do his job." He said. I giggled. The wipe barely touch my leg. He started wiping the other leg, but quickly stopped. "He hurt you. Why?"
  I shrugged. "God made me a hurt-able person." He ran his finger on the backside of my legs. "Does this hurt?"
  I shook my head. "No, but did do that." He put his hands up in defense. "Hey! Just asking."
  He helped me off the floor. I winced trying to unzip my sweatshirt. "Here." He said. He unzipped it and slowly took it off my arms. I thanked him as he cleaned my arms. The were filled with bruises and cuts now. He placed a bandage on my arm. I watched him do this so carefully. His face closer to mine then I thought. He looked at me now, our noses touching. He brought his face closer to mine. His hands dropped from my arm below my shoulder to my hand. He held it tightly between his. He leaned in closer, our lips nearly touching. I couldn't turn my head for this one. He moved his lips the inch that was between us.
  His lips were soft for the peck he gave me. I looked away. "I'm sorry Violet." He whispered. He snapped the kit shut and placed it back on the shelf. I continued to stare at the wall. His fingers ran down my shoulder. I turned to see him glaring at the bandage with a sad look. He snapped out of the trance and picked up my sweatshirt. I slipped it on with help of Cooper. We walked out to see an older woman waiting to use the bathroom. I froze realizing that two people of two genders came out of the bathroom. She just laughed as Cooper and I stood there, embarrassed.
  "Oh don't worry. My husband and I did it in the women's bathroom at Walmart when we were young." She hobbled into the bathroom. Cooper and  I broke out laughing. He walked me home in complete silence. I stood in front of my door, Cooper's eyes directly on me. "Thank you." I said. I wrapped my arms around him, he did the same to me. "Your hug is worth the pain." I whispered in his ear. He pulled me off him. "Pain is temporary. If you find the right love, it can last forever. Unlike Colin and Kiley." His words made me laugh. Colin and Kiley are kids from my school who have been dating since sixth grade but they both want to break up. Either of them doesn't have the guts to break it to the other person though. He brushed the hair out of my face and whispered "Goodbye." in my ear. I said it back. I watched him walk back to the library before I went back inside. If only I had watched longer.
The end!

Just kidding! Cliffhanger tho. 💁🏻

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