School and Math Homework

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Just a reminder that Livy's POV is written in omorin734 's Friends for Life! Don't forget that the cover contest ends March first!

Andy held the door of the school open for me. His face, angry. He lead me to being beat up by Kody. I couldn't tell on him, because I'd rat out Kody, too. I don't feel that's a good idea. Nearly tripping up the stairs, I finally made it to the Sophomore hall of the school. Ryan and Katie were arguing by Katie's new locker. It had stickers and pictures of us hanging up on the inside of the door. I kept walking. I turned the corner to see Cooper talking with Jordan, Ava, and Devin. I froze in my tracks, hiding behind the corner and listening.
Jordan laughed. "Oh my gosh, fucking Violet was at the movies once. She was waiting with Kody and wearing leggings and a sweatshirt. That style is getting old. Plus, why Kody?" Everyone laughed, even Cooper. Ava was the first to comment.
"Maybe she Doesn't love you Cooper." She said, giggling. Cooper's face turned red. "I don't like her."
I knew he was saying that so he wouldn't embarrass himself. We weren't dating or anything, but it still kinda hurt. The way he laughed with them. I continued walking towards my locker. 546, the same one as last year, except in the five hundreds. (446 was her old one) Jordan and Ava glared at me. The broke apart from the group and headed my way. "Hey V." Jordan said. I faked a smile. "Hi." They walked past me and headed towards their lockers. Devin opened his locker and Cooper opened his, the one next to Devin's. Cooper shoved his bag in his locker as I walked by. I made it to my locker, hoping never to see Cooper's freckles face ever again.


I died. Well, that's what it felt like. The first day and only Livy talked to me. Katie was to angry to talk. Livy was tired so she barely talked. No one, not even Cooper, wanted to talk to me. I'm becoming the loser I was in fifth grade. I stepped off the bus and headed for Cooper's house. About twenty minutes ago, Cooper asked me to come over to do Math homework. I walked up the driveway, past the minivan. Up the stone steps and knocked on the door. After a few seconds, Cooper swung open the door. He stepped out of the way so I could come inside. I put my backpack on the counter and sat on the barstool. Cooper sat next to me. I pulled out my Math book. "No hello?" He asked, sitting next to me.
  "Why did you laugh?"
  He turned his to face me with only a confused look. "What?"
  "Jordan made fun of me. You laughed."
  Cooper looked down. "I thought of reputation instead of you. That's why I wanted you here-"
  "Shut it and do your homework." I snap. Cooper puts his hands up surrender. I pulled the worksheet out of my folder and started writing down numbers quickly. After a few minutes, Cooper shouted "Done!"
  "Done!" I say a few seconds after him. I put all my stuff back in my bag. "Cooper I should really get-" I was cut off by Cooper's kiss. I heard the kitchen door open. "Coop!" Cooper jumped away from me. I saw Joey and Mr. Barton standing at the door. Joey smirked.
  "Yes! Chris owes me ten bucks. I called it. They. Are. Dating."
  I smiled, my face turning red. "I apologize Mr. Barton. And Joey, we are not dating."
  Joey's eye to eye smile went flat as he walked into the living room. I grabbed my bag and hoped off the bar stool. "As I was saying, I should be going." I headed towards the door. Before I could turn the handle, Cooper shouted "Wait!" He opened the door for me. "We need to talk."
  We went outside, shutting the doors so no one would hear us. I sat on the front steps, Cooper doing the same. "Are we dating?" He asked. He stared at me, I looked away before he could see me blush.
  "No." I say, looking at the ground like it was a unicorn riding a taco and flying to space.
  "Great." He says. I look at his disappointed yet happy face. His smile was so fake. It's been that why recently.
  "Your a guy, Coop. You don't care about me or any girl until "the one" shows up. I'm not that person." I felt tears start to welt in my eyes.
  He leaned in close. I turned my head. "I'm not that person. You shouldn't do that." I breath out and stand up. I got halfway down the driveway. "Maybe you are. Maybe we can be them instead of her and him." Cooper sat on the steps, watching me walk away. I had no response to that. I just kept walking.

Ohhhhhh no! What's going to happen? Even I don't really know... What do you guys want to see?

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