Geez and Greez

10 1 0

The next day @ 3:54

Livy: geez, guys stop texting me!!!!

Katie: greez...

Katie: stupid autocorrect!

Katie: I meant geez!

V: so do you guys think I like coop?

Livy: well do you?

Katie: I ship you

V: idk

Livy: I know he likes u

Katie: well duh

Katie: it's obvious!!!!!!! 🙇🏼

V: but idk if I like him come on guys a little help

Livy: I can't really help u

Livy: solve those things on your own

Katie: Kody got my number

Livy: what?!?!?

V: hell no?!? How?¿

Katie: I don't know he just started texting me, he says he wants to talk to me

V: I told him to leave u alone!!!

V: he's gonna get it!!!!!!!!!!

Livy: I can't believe you did that yesterday...anyway, block him

Katie: ugh, I hate this

V: what can I say, guys are dying to meet u!

Livy: lol

Katie: haha very funny

Livy: Kody visited me!

Livy: thank god I got that of my shoulders.....!

V: skateboard Kody? The one that Katie kicked

Livy: no Kody B

Katie: holy crap

Katie: that creep

Katie: What did he do to u????

V: what happened!?

V: Liv?

Katie: answer! Livy?!?

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