Trucks and Kidnapped

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Do Not play the music yet

My grandpa's truck passed me as I headed to the library. He was going to Maine for a fishing trip. He honked the horn and waved out the window. I waved back.
I walked into the library and saw Cooper sitting at a computer, but that wasn't why I was here. I put my bag in the back of a chair, at the study table. I walked over to the teen's fiction area. My eyes scanned the books until I saw what I was looking for. I pulled out a hardcover, green book. The word fangirl was written across the cover.
Cooper must have saw me, because a "V!" came from across the room in a loud whisper. I waved at him and walked to the the check-out counter. "Violet." I said as I placed the book on the counter.
The lady scanned the book and typed in my name. She handed me the book with a smile. I thanked her and walked back to the table with my bag.
I shoved the book in my bag. I was ready to put my bag on my back when someone blind-folded me. I kicked backwards and heard a quiet groan. They wrapped their arms around me and picked me up. They shoved a sock in my mouth. My ears could hear a door open. They carried me down the library stairs.
I heard a car door open and shut. Someone took the sock out of my mouth. I realised my hands were free and I pulled the blindfold off me. I looks around and saw I was in a truck, Kody in the driver seat. Andy was outside the door. Cooper ran outside. He must have seen what happened.
"What the hell!?" He yelled. I couldn't say anything until I caught my breath. "Andy, why are you doing this? What's going on?"
Andy just smirked. "I'm getting paid for this V."
I looked at Kody. He reached across the seat, towards me. He stopped when Cooper ran at the truck, yelling, "Don't! What's going on? Let me in that truck!"
Kody rolled his eyes. "Does this nerd ruin everything?"
"Shut up and let me out of this god damn truck!" I snap. Andy opened the back door with one hand still on my door. "Don't let him in!" Kody yelled. Cooper hopped into the backseat. "Where are you taking her?" He said. "Just buckle up." Kody snapped. I heard the click of Cooper's buckle as I clicked mine in too.
I rested my arm on the compartment in between Kody and I. He rested his arm there too. He tried grabbed my hand but Cooper slapped his arm. "Watch it buddy." Cooper exclaimed.
Kody glared at him. "My truck, my rules."
I rolled my eyes remembering my phone was in my bag. It didn't help that I had dropped my bag in the library. "My friend, my rules." Cooper mumbled. I looked back at Cooper to see him looking out the window, frustrated. "Where are we going?" I say, turning my head to Kody. We were a two miles from the library now. I hadn't even notice we had pulled out of the library.
Kody looked at me, then down at his arm. It was alone on the compartment between us. I took mine off after Cooper started fighting with Kody. "No where." He finally responded. "You'll see where we go."
Cooper go closer to Kody. "So we are going somewhere?"
Kody slapped the wheel. "You asshole, are your need ears deaf? We are going somewhere yes!"
Cooper's eyebrows scrunched together. "So why did you say we aren't going anywhere?" Kody pulled into gas station, angry. He got out to pump some gas. He locked the doors and rolled up the windows. I unbuckled and went to the back where Cooper was. I sat next to him and let him wrap his arm around. I don't know why but it made me feel safe.
"Where do you think he was going to take me?" I ask. I grabbed his hand and squeezed his hand tight. Tears filled my eyes.
"I don't know, V. I just know I'm not letting you go alone." His hug got tighter. He looked down at me. His frown grew to a huge smile. I felt my mouth curve into a smile. Kody opened the door and got in. He wasn't old enough to drive, he doesn't even have his licence. "Violet, in the front." He said, pointing to the passenger seat.
"Why can't I stay back-"
"Because I said so!"
Cooper's eyes lit up. He unwrapped his arm from around me. "Leave her alone!" I get nervous.
I moved to the front, but Cooper pulled me back. "Stop it Coop. Please don't fight." I buckled up and let Kody drive back out on the highway. We had been in the car for twenty minutes total. After a few minutes, we pulled into the Plaza. Cooper had made a few wise remarks, Kody yelled. We pulled into the parking of the movie theatres. "Violet, I got two tickets to "The Witch" and no one wanted to go. So, will you watch it with me. Your nerd friend will have to buy his own ticket."
"Shots fired." Cooper said, placing a hand on his chest. Kody rolled his eyes.
"You kidnapped me just to go to the movies with me?" I ask.
"If I asked you, wouldn't have said yes."
"True." I say, nodding. "But since we're here. I might as well accept this ticket."
I got out of the truck and met Kody and Coop at the sidewalk. Kody walked in, not holding the door for me or Cooper. Cooper caught the door before it hit my face. "Thanks." I whispered. Kody and I handed a man our tickets and he told us what theatre room we were in. Cooper stood at the box office getting his ticket, while Kody stood with me outside the the theatre room. "I can't believe he came with us."
"Why didn't you ask Katie out?"
"She fucking kicked me."
I laughed. Cooper walked over to us, looking angry. He gets jealous sometimes when I laugh at other guy's jokes. "So, we going to watch this movie or what?" Kody asks. "Let's go." I say. Cooper held the door open for me. He tried slamming it in Kody's face, but I caught it. It was an instinct. I followed Cooper up into the back of the room. We sat on the highest seats there was. Barely anyone was here and the previews had already started. Kody sat down first, I sat next to him, and Cooper sat next to me. I was in the middle. Kody sat, watching the previews. Cooper wrapped one arm around me. He grabbed my hand with his other hand. I scooted closer to Cooper. Kody leaned over and whispered, "No sucking faces, nerds."
"Shut the hell up, skater boy." Cooper whispered.
"Is hell the only word you know? Christen." Kody mumbled.
The man in front of us shushed us. The movie started and all of us were silent.

*•*•*•*•*•Play Music Now*•*•*•*•*•*

We sat silently in the truck for ten minutes until Kody pulled in front of my house. I was about to get out. Only Madelyn and Patrick were home. Andy and his family would have left for the airport by now. My grandma was at church for a meeting until ten. My dad was in New York for a boiler convention and grandpa was in Maine.
I wasn't going to get in trouble this time. It was seven forty on Kody's clock. I paused after opening the truck door. "Wait," I say. "I can't let you guys go alone. You'll kill yourselves." I shut the door. "Really Violet. I thought you would just let me beat him up." Kody said with a sigh. I opened to door again and hopped out. I opened Cooper's door. "Scoot over." I say. "I'll be sitting back here from now on." Cooper moved his butt over so I could sit. I buckled up and shut the door. Kody rolled his eyes. "To Cooper's house." I say. We lead him to Cooper's place. We dropped Cooper off as the sunset. I moved to the front seat. Kody pulled out after I said my goodbyes. I turned up the radio to hear rap music playing. I started changing the station when Kody slapped my hand away. "Hey no changing the station."
"When I'm in this truck, we listen to my music." I put it on a country station. Carrie Underwood's Heartbeat played.
We were about to pass a field when he pulled over, into the field. "What are you doing?" I ask, jolting around. He jumps out, saying "You'll see." He turned up the music and told me to get out, but keep the door open so we could hear the music. He pulled down the tailgate as I slipped out of the truck. I sat on the tailgate. He did too. He reached behind him and into the cooler that sat behind him. He pulled out two beers. "Want one?" He asked, holing out a bottle.
I shook my head. "Nah, I don't drink. You shouldn't either. You still have to drive me home." He nodded.
"Yeah, but I want one." He begged.
I grabbed the beers and shoved them back into the cooler. I shut the cooler and pushed it away. I looked at the sunset. It took me awhile to realise Kody was doing the same. "Is this where you come to drink?" I ask.
"Is this where you come to drink? There's tire marks already made when we pulled in."
He nodded. "Your such a nerd. You figured it out."
I hadn't talked to Kody since gym class in sixth grade. I remember he said, "Nerd better do something."
I shot back the words. "Look the fuck out." Then, he got hit in the balls with a ball.
Kody jumped off the tailgate. "Let's go." I hopped down and helped him shut the tailgate. I got into the front seat of the truck. I buckled up, thinking about how Kody and Cooper fought so much.
We made it back to my house in silence. I thanked him for the movie. "But, ask next time ya asshole." I walked inside. My phone and things were still at the library. "Shit." I whispered under my breath.
I jumped when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see Kody with my bag in his hand. "I had Andy shove it the back when you weren't looking." He handed me my bag.
"Thanks." I said. I shut the door. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw his smirk. Thoughts bursted through my mind.

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