The Letter

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(AN: Let us know what you think! Message us! We would love to hear from people.)

Chapter 1: The Letter

Author's narration:
"Now I know what you're thinking....Why write about a story that's already been mentioned? Well, I'll tell you why. You all got to witness Harry's experience at Hogwarts. Let me tell our side of the story. It all began when I got my letter from Hogwarts....."

A brown owl swooped in through the sky and released a letter that magically made its way into the mail slot of a red front door. The same owl soon landed on the roof of the car in the home's driveway.

Hearing the squeak of the mail slot, a young girl approached the front door. She saw a letter on the carpet floor and picked it up.

The red seal had a stamp with the seal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
The girl became ecstatic with joy. She squealed with excitement, which was heard by her mother, who came in to check up on her.

"What is the matter?" asked the girl's mother with a worried look.

"It finally came!" The girl was jumping up and down in pure joy.

"What, dear?" she asked confused.

"My letter from Hogwarts!"

" it up!" her mother exclaimed with curiosity.

Autumn carefully opened the seal holding the envelope shut.

She took out the letter and started to read, "Dear Ms.Grindelwald,"

(AN: OC means Original Character. We created them. This is where all the characters are reading their Hogwarts letter after just receiving them in the mail. Each of them are reading a separate section of the letter because we thought it would be cool. This chapter is about how the family reacts to the acceptance.)

"We are pleased to inform you that you," said Maddie (OC).

"have been accepted at Hogwarts School," said Kaitlyn ecstatically (OC).

"of Witchcraft and Wizardry." said Ron with a smile.

"Please find enclosed a list of all the," read Hermione.

"necessary books and equipment. Term," said Draco, annoyed.

"begins on 1 September. We await your owl," said Ebony, excited (OC).

"by no later than 31 July." read Neville.

"Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall." said Caleb, surprised (OC)

"Deputy Headmistress." said Tobias (OC).

(AN: There are many characters names you haven't heard of. We will explain their appearance and their background later on in this tale.)

Tobias's family reaction:
"My son," his father proclaimed, pulling Tobias in a warm embrace. "I know you're going to do well."

"So do I," Tobias's mother cooed. "You'll make so many friends, and there's so much to learn."

"Toby, are you going to turn someone into a toad?" Emily, Tobias's little sister, asked while smiling.

"That's right, and I'll be able to fly on a broom and make potions and talk to ghosts," Tobias answered with a mystifying tone to keep Emily's imagination running wild.

"Oh! There's so much to do in so little time," said Tobias's mother with excitement.

She pulled Tobias close to her and whispered, "Emily's imagination is already off the charts. Keep your wizard antics under control." She winked.

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