Present day

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Chapter 46: Present day

February 2, 2016
25 years after 1991 but 19 years after 1998.....

February 2, 201625 years after 1991 but 19 years after 1998

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Here's a pic of Autumn 25 years later.....

"Interesting story. I can't wait to hear the rest of the story." says Andy Smudgley, Publisher of the Daily Prophet. Autumn and him sat in his office. He was the boss of everyone there. 

"You really liked it?" asks Autumn.

"Kept me on my toes.'s a different perspective of the events in 1991. I have to warn you though, I want others to read this. If you can make the deadline, and write the rest of your six years at Hogwarts, then I'll publish your story."

"Yes. Thank you! Thank you. Thank you! You won't regret this," she replies, hugging him.

She releases her grip, realizes that she may have overstepped her boundaries.

"Have it on my desk in seven months, in September," he continued, smiling and chuckling.

"What?! How can I possibly-"

"Autumn, I know you can do it. If you got the right motivation."

"It's impossible. Give me an extension."

"You can do it. I have faith in you. Besides, this story is part of your past, you'll know it better than anyone. Here. If it helps...." He hands her a Quill that she has wanted for quite some time.

"A Quick Quotes Quill?" She is amazed that he would give her such a gift.

"This proves how much faith I have in you. Use it. You'll be able to write the story faster. Think of this as a deal, if I give this to you, you'll write the story?" he asks, hopeful she'll agree.


"Good girl. I'm counting on you." He sits down at his desk and starts going onto his computer.

Autumn walks back to her desk from boss's office. The Quick Quotes Quill followed close behind her. She passes by Luna Lovegood.

"Hi, Autumn. How did it go?" Luna inquires.

"Great! He loves it. I get to write six more."

"If you need any help, you know where to find me. Have a nice day." Luna waves goodbye.

"Thanks, Luna!" Autumn exclaims as she continues to walk down the corridor.

She approaches her office door. She takes a deep sigh, looking at her name plaque on the door.

It read, "Autumn Grindelwald-Carlyle, journalist."

Author's Narration:
"I'm always amazed at how my life turned out. Writer for the Daily Prophet working with Chief Editor, Luna Lovegood, my fellow Hogwarts Alumni. Not a day goes by that I don't miss being at Hogwarts. Seeing as everyone knew Harry's side of the story inspired me to tell my tale along with my friends. I still keep in contact with them. They are part of the reason why I was able to write this story........Without their side of the story, I wouldn't of been able to make a compelling story. Collectively, we made one amazing journey. I can't wait to tell you more about it."

She walks into her office. She sits at her desk as the Quick Quotes Quill waits patiently for her to start her story.

"Now, where should I begin?" Autumn asks out loud.

The Quill is tempted to write but it can't until Autumn makes up her mind.

As Autumn begins, the Quick Quotes Quill starts to write, "Let me continue my story by telling you-" She lost her train of thought.

A brilliant idea pops into her mind. "Scratch that. Where do I start?" she said to the Quill.


Play this song because it's the ending credits theme.

Shooting Star- Owl City

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