Weeks Pass

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Chapter 36: Weeks pass:

Author's Narration:
"A few more weeks had past before the holidays started.

In Herbology, students learned about Moly, Asphodel, and Dried Nettles. Autumn grew fond of taking care of plants. She also found it interesting to deal with magical creatures involved because it was different from Defense Against the Dark Arts magics creatures.

In Charms class, we learned how to perform the Softening Charm. Considering Flitwick was an easy-going teacher, everyone is class was doing excellent. He was willing to help students after class.

In Transfiguration, we were taught the switching spell. Two students managed to switch each other's personalities so they literally had to 'walk in their shoes'. They weren't caught because nobody told McGonagall.

In DADA, we learned about how to handle Snails, Imps, and Bowtruckles. Once again, Ebony had trouble handling magical creatures but she didn't give up. She was determined to keep trying.

In Astronomy, the students continue to stargaze every wednesday night but also look for signs of planets. They need to know when certain planets appear during different times of the year. It is part of their exam for the end of the year.

In Potions class, we learned how to make Herbicide Potion and Wideye Potion.  Snape didn't take it easy on his students. Caleb managed to keep up with the rest of the class. Maddie found a way to spend half her time with Cedric and the other half with Caleb. She cut her practices shorter with Cedric by an hour.

In History of Magic, we learned Emeric the Evil but again, we fell asleep during the lecture.

In Flying lessons, students learn how to dodge players and balls and be able to reach a certain spot in an instant. Maddie constantly practices her lessons with Cedric but she has fallen several times. The great thing is she always gets back up. Like Cedric wanted, Maddie was willing to learn with motivation and perseverance.

Relationship wise,

Maddie taught Caleb for a couple hours before going to practice with Cedric.

Caleb can't concentrate during tutoring lessons, knowing Maddie will leave to hang out with Cedric.

Oliver got a girlfriend, Angelina Johnson. His fellow Quidditch teammate. After the Quidditch match, he was in the hospital. Angelina visited him often. Maybe it was because he was cute or he was THE Oliver Wood. All she knew was she was falling hard for him. They began dating.

Arlen continued to flirt with me. This interaction made me think about him during classes and in my sleep. Whenever I was near him, I couldn't help but look at him as my heart beated faster. Arlen joined Draco in a recent prank and almost got caught by Filch and McGonagall. He escaped, because Caleb saved his butt by making up an excuse for him.

Blake has flirted with more girls than he can count. During his games, the girls became his fans in the crowd. They made banners and screamed whenever he entered the stadium or made a goal. He liked all the attention.

Ebony continued with tutoring Tobias, who remained one of the few girls disinterested in his famous older brother. She has also tried making new friends, but still suffered some bullying from Malfoy and his goons along with a handful of others. Ebony has also found out about Tobias being the object of affection for several girls including Kaitlyn and Nadine from his house, and feels as if he might be interested in them as Ebony viewed them as more special than herself. 

Tobias has been the object of affection for a few girls, specifically Kaitlyn who has been trying to compete against Nadine for his attention. Yet with the fangirls following him, Tobias remained enamored with Ebony, but hasn't revealed it to anyone. He has made a handful of friends who don't care about his older brother, especially Neville, Caleb, Seamus, Ron, and Ebony."

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