Exams and the aftermath

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Chapter 42: Exams

The next day...

"Exams were....

Potions class: Snape made every student nervous, breathing down their necks while they tried to remember how to make a Forgetfulness Potion. Everyone passed with Acceptable or higher.

History of Magic class: One hour of answering questions about batty old wizards who'd invented Self-Stirring Cauldrons. Everyone passed with Acceptable or higher.

Charms class: Professor Flitwick called them one by one into his class to see if they could make a pineapple dance across the desk. Everyone passed with Outstanding or higher.

Transfiguration class: Professor McGonagall watched the class as they turn a mouse into a snuff box.Everyone passed with Acceptable or higher.

DADA class: There is no exam because Quirrell is nowhere to be found. Class was cancelled. Many students looked relieved, except Hermione. On report cards, the grade is classified as "N/A."

Herbology class: The Exam was on those Spiky Bushes. Casting Incendio on them while stepping back to avoid their needles. Everyone passed with Acceptable or higher.

Astronomy class: Exam was examine the different names of the stars and the movements of the planets. Everyone passed with Outstanding or higher.

Flying lessons: The exam was to finish an obstacle course by using all the skills learned from the year. Results will be revealed in a few minutes."


Maddie completed the obstacle course with flying colors while most people in her class were just glad to make it through to the end.

The class passed with Acceptable or higher. Cedric waited for Maddie in the courtyard, anxiously waiting to see how she did.
She snuck up on him, scaring him slightly.

"Very funny," he said in embarrassment.

Maddie laughed at his face.

"So......how'd it go?" Cedric asked, curious.

"Hmm.....I don't know. All she said was.....I PASSED WITH FLYING COLORS!" she exclaimed, excitedly.

Cedric was overjoyed. He grabbed Maddie by the waist and spun her around. As he placed her down, their bodies were pressed together. Maddie began to blush.

"Um......I should go. I need to pack. Going home in three days." Maddie slowly walked away.

"Um... Maddie. I had a great time....teaching you," Cedric stammered, catching up to her.

"Yeah, I did too. I mean...I....thank you for your help." Maddie could feel her insides turning as she became nervous.

Maddie shook his hand. He nodded.

"Goodbye Cedric," she said starting to walk away again. He stopped her by stepping in front of her quickly.

"Um.......Have a good summer," he stammered again.

"You too," replied Maddie with a smile.

She started walking up the main doors to Hogwarts building. He stopped her again before she reached the top of the stairs.

"Um.....you're a great singer. We should do it again. I mean, the class. Take it next year," he advised.

"Yeah, that would be fun. You're great at the piano."

"Thank you. It's one of my favorite things to do," he stated awkwardly.

There was silence.

"Well, I'll see you next year," she repeated slowly walking towards the door.

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