Classes Continue: First class

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Chapter 18: Classes Continue: First class:

Author's Narration:
"Here is the list of classes for the second day. Fifth period will be the auditions....
Kaitlyn: Herbology, DADA, Astronomy, History of Magic
Autumn: Herbology, DADA, Astronomy, History of Magic
Nadine: Herbology, History of Magic, Astronomy, DADA
Cass: History of Magic, Herbology, Astronomy, DADA
Neville/ Seamus/ Dean/ Harry/ Hermione/ Ron/ Draco/ Crabbe/ Goyle: Herbology, DADA, Astronomy, History of Magic
Aliya/Mary/Jade: Herbology, DADA, Astronomy, Potions
Ebony: Herbology, DADA, Astronomy, Potions
Tobias: Potions, DADA, Herbology, Astronomy
Maddie: Transfiguration, DADA, Herbology, History of Magic      
Caleb: Charms, DADA, Herbology, Transfiguration
Lucy/Kiera/Tristen: History of Magic, Potions, Charms, Herbology
Jennifer: Charms, Astronomy, Potions, Transfiguration
Gabriel: History of Magic, Astronomy, Charms, Herbology
Samuel: History of Magic, Astronomy, Charms, Herbology
Arlen: Herbology, History of Magic, Potions, Astronomy
Cedric: Charms, Astronomy, Potions, History of Magic 
Blake: Herbology, Astronomy, Potions, Transfiguration
Follow this list if you are confused."

Tobias headed to Potions class while Caleb headed to Charms class and Maddie headed to Transfiguration class. Lucy, Keira, Tristen, Gabriel, Sam headed to History of Magic class.

Kaitlyn, Autumn, Aliya, Mary, Jade, and Ebony head to Herbology with Sprout. 

The class had their own little discussions in small groups until Professor Sprout came into the greenhouse.

"Good morning class, I'm Professor Sprout. Today, we are going to be dealing with Bouncing Bulbs. Has anyone seen them before?" she asked.

Neville raised his hand along with Autumn and Ebony. Kaitlyn and the Beauvant siblings have never encountered them.

"Good. Can anyone explain it to the other students?" she asked. "Volunteer?"

Neville raised his hand again.

"Yes. Longbottom," she said pointing.

"A Bouncing Bulb's a magical plant which jumps around if it is not restrained. Young Bouncing Bulbs are small enough to handle, but mature ones can reach the size of doorways. They can be aggressive when they feel threatened. They jump on their possible attacker. A simple Knockback Jinx could stop a young Bulb, but a mature one would require using Incendio to wither it, because it is quite strong," answered Neville.

"Yes. Ten points for Gryffindor! Today we have small ones so Knockback Jinx would work," Sprout stated.

One of the Bouncing Bulbs wriggled free from Draco's grip and smacked him hard in the face.

Some students laughed.

"Careful. They may look harmless but they are hard to hold onto. Grip it tight,"  she said to the other students.

They began to worry if it would happen to them as well.

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