Hearing a Conversation

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Chapter 13: Hearing a Conversation:

Autumn sat on a bench reading a book when she overheard, "You must be the youngest student in the century to play on the quidditch team, according to McGonagall," said Ron with excitement.

"Well done Harry! Wood's just told us!" said Fred and George in unison.

"I've got to tell people!" Autumn whispered to herself.

She closed her book and ran to the Great Hall. She saw Kaitlyn and told her what she heard. It wasn't long before the entire school knew.

The bell chimed again for the students to head to their fourth class. Gabriel, Sam, Lucy, Keira, and Tristen headed back to the Ravenclaw Common Room  having finished their classes for the day. Kaitlyn, Autumn, Ebony, Tobias, Aliya, Mary, and Jade head to Charms class with Professor Flitwick. Maddie once again heads by herself to her next class, Potions.

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