Troll in the Dungeon

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Chapter 31: Halloween Day, Troll in the Dungeon

It became evening on Halloween. Pumpkins with jack-o-lantern faces float in the air of the Great Hall as thunder crashed from above. There was nothing, but sweets and desserts laid on the table.

Slytherin Table:
Arlen has begun talking with Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy about how he's able to put on a facade, causing everyone to think if him as saint-like. Those listening are clearly engrossed and seem in awe.

"Surely, it has become difficult for you, pretending to be something you're not," Pansy suggested.

"It's pretty easy, really," Arlen answered.

"I've learned from my mother on how to treat others kindly but my father, oh, he's my true role model. The way he talks to everyone else like he's the KING of the world, and others are his slaves. He only cares about power, glory, greatness. He can be quite persuasive. I never told Caleb this, but mother and father fight all the time behind his back. She thinks if Caleb sees their arguments, he wouldn't be able to handle it. I'm pretty sure they'll separate soon and I'll probably end up with my father."

"Maybe my mother can talk with your mother," Malfoy replied. "Maybe your mother will come to terms."

"I doubt it. My mother is firm in her ways," Arlen groaned.


Hufflepuff Table:
In between eating a slice of pumpkin cake, Maddie has begun making side notes and highlighting sections of her personal copy of Quidditch Through the Ages, specifically sections describing the flying styles of famous players.

"Doing any extra credit?" Cedric asked light-heartedly, getting Maddie's attention.

"Possibly," Maddie answered after swallowing her bite of cake. "I want to make sure your lessons stick."

"I see you're committed," Cedric noted with a smile on his face. "That's rare for most first-years."

Maddie smiled, and put her attention back onto the book once Cedric sat with a few of his fellow third years.


Gryffindor Table:
Tobias practiced some spells. Blake, George, and Fred are talking alone with Harry and Ron.

Kaitlyn, Autumn, Cass, Nadine debated with Neville, Dean and Seamus at the Gryffindor table.

"My question you think it's a good idea for girls to be allowed to fight alongside us, men?" Seamus asked the group.

Everyone nodded.

"Are you kidding me? You two think girls should be allowed to fight?" Seamus asked appalled.

"What's wrong with girls?" Autumn asked.

"They aren't smart. Boys are better," Seamus answered.

Neville was silent the entire time.

"No they aren't!" Cass and Dean said at the same time.

They both looked at each other, surprised at the coincidence.

"Oh! Hell no. You did not just say that!" Nadine was upset.

She wanted to beat him up in that moment and show him girls are just as good as guys.
He ducked down under the table. Autumn stopped Nadine before she could do any harm.

"You're lucky," Nadine growled as she left the table. She headed back to her room in a huff.

"I think girls are intelligent. And the way they play Quidditch, it proves they can handle themselves. Besides, Seamus has failed at some spells while some girls have beat him to it," Dean stated.

Cass smiled at him. She couldn't believe a guy had those thoughts about women.

"C'mon Dean! Girls suck!" Seamus shouted, crossing his arms.

"You wanna go there, mate!" Kaitlyn threatened Seamus by holding her hand up for a punch to his face.

"Not the face!" he screeched as he closed his eyes, scared of her. He held his hands up over his face to shield himself.

After a few minutes, Quirrell bursted into the room shouting, "Troll! In the dungeon! Troll in the dungeon!"

Everyone looks at him in disbelief.

"Thought you'd ought to know," he stated as he fainted to the floor.

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