Spring is here

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Chapter 41: Spring is here:

A song played in the background
Before the Morning by Josh Wilson.

Author's Narration:
"Many weeks past and soon, it became spring. The snow had melted away on the grass, trees grew leaves and flowers, sun was shining above without a cloud in the sky.

In DADA, students learn to handle Ghosts, Gargoyles, Hags, Fire Crabs, and Gytrashes. They learn spells like Smokescreen Spell, Green Sparks, Red Sparks, and Periculum. Quirrell was acting weird which confused the students. He became very secretive and stuttered more than usual. He could barely get through one class. Luckily the lessons weren't difficult.

In History of Magic classes, they were taught topics like Uric the Oddball, Gaspard Shingleton, and Elfric the Eager but sadly like many previous class periods, they all fell asleep except Hermione and Ebony.

In Transfiguration class, we learned how to turn a match to a needle and how to transform a small creature into a matchbox. We also learned the Avifors spell. In Charms, we learn spells like Unlocking Charm, Locking Spell, and Mending Charm. The last lesson was make a pineapple dance across a desk which was hilarious.

In Astronomy, we learned more about the different planets in our galaxy.

In Flying lessons, students learned how to fly one handed, catch quaffle, be aware of surroundings, and stay on broom no matter what. Maddie continued to practice more flying lessons with Cedric. Compared to the first practice, she's gotten really good at it.

In Music class, they continued to have fun and just sing to their heart's content.

In Potions, the students were taught Wiggenweld Potion and how to collect the ingredients for it. They learned the 12 uses of dragon blood. They learned about potion ingredients such as: Moly, Dittany, Flobberworm Mucus, Wiggentree bark, Asphodel, Puffapod spores, and Moondew.

In Herbology, the students learned about Wormwood, Mandrake Root, Aconite, Lumos Solem, and Devil's Snare.

Relationship wise,

Kaitlyn has asked many first-year students out, but they all declined, including Dean, Seamus and Neville. She noticed that Tobias seemed different lately. He looks as though he's...in love. Kaitlyn wondered who the mysterious girl was. Who could steal Tobias's heart? Definitely not her.

Caleb and Maddie continued to practice Potion lessons. They even did some practical lessons by creating potions on their own time. It helped when Caleb didn't understand the lessons.

Maddie could tell he's better at hands-on experience. She would spend half of her afternoon with Caleb and the other half with Cedric and his flying lessons. She couldn't stop having feelings for Cedric but she could try to ignore them, failing to do so though.

Arlen and Autumn began dating for a few months since Valentine's day. This new relationship has kept Draco from involving Arlen in his pranks.

Blake was unsure about being on the Quidditch team because he recently injured himself during a match. He wanted to stay good-looking for the ladies who admired him daily.

Ebony and Tobias formed a strong friendship through their tutoring sessions, especially considering that he used the sessions to hide from girls who are clearly trying to get to Oliver through him. He was pleasantly surprised about how disinterested she was about Oliver and Quidditch in general, and how her interests were about him and his family. Each have feelings for the other, but they are content with being friends.

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