Classes Continue: Second class

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Chapter 19: Classes Continue: Second class:

Gabriel and Sam walked to Astronomy class. Lucy, Keira, and Tristen head to Potions class.

Kaitlyn, Autumn, Aliya, Mary, Jade, Ebony, Tobias, Maddie, and Caleb head to Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

"W-We-Welcome. My n-name is Quirinus Quirrell and I'll be your Defense Against the D-D-D....." He had trouble speaking.

He looked like he needed to sneeze.

"Dark Arts?" asked Kaitlyn.

"Yes. Dark Arts professor," he said, "T-Thank y-you. I...I have something like Curse of the Bogies, oh wait, I shouldn't mention that. That isn't the lesson for today. N-Nevermind. TODAY, you'll be learning how to handle Gnomes, l-let me show you a p-proper demonstration," he continued as he grabbed a gnome from the side of the room. "It may seem si-silly, but they are s-smart. Madam Hooch had to c-cancel her Quidditch flying lessons today due to an infestation."

He placed the Gnome on the ground in front of him. The students looked at the Gnome with fixated eyes and confusion. They looked like statues, not moving an inch.

"Hopefully none of you are part of that group. I happened to catch one before it disappeared with the others." Quirrell continued.

The gnome he placed fell onto the floor, landing on it's face and the class giggled in response.

"Oh, dear," he sighed, trying to pick it up, but knocked it over again. "Ooops."

The class laughed.

"H-Having dif-ficulties," he said, standing it up.

He walked away from it.

"As I was s-saying, the gnome is q-quite intelligent."

The Gnome suddenly fell over by itself.

The class laughed again and Quirrell went to pick it up.

"Good H-heavens," he panicked.

He held his hands in front of the object to tell it to stay while mouthing the word.

He walked away again and asked the class, "W-Who can tell me, what a gnome is?"

Some students raised their hands while others were silent and looked around the room to see who raised their hands.

"Miss, Carlyle. Um...Maddie," he called on.

"Gnomes live in burrows underground, known as gnome-holes, where they dig up and eat the roots of plants, creating little heaps of earth around gardens a lot like moles. A gnome in the Muggle world is an inanimate statue that looks like a small Father Christmas while their true appearance is brown in colour and have disproportionately large heads, making them look like potatoes with legs. Their feet are hard and bony, and they do not look anything like the garden gnomes in Muggle World. They infest the gardens of wizarding households, often referred to as Gernumblies as another name for it. And because of the havoc they wreak upon gardens, gnomes are deemed pests by the wizarding community," she answered.

The Gnome changed to it's true appearance.

The Gnome started running around the room and the students got on their desks to keep away from it. They gasped in fright and panic.

"Yes, exactly. Can anyone tell me w-what they enjoy?" he asked as he stood on-top a nearby stool.

Caleb raised his hand.

"Yes." Quirrell said pointing.

"Worms....." Caleb answered.

"Yes and Bertie Bott's Every-Flavour Beans," Quirrell added as he held out a box.

The Gnome immediately made it's way to Quirrell.

"You d-don't want the gnome to bite you or tug at your feet so being up on your desks is a good idea." He poured some candy out of the box.

"What a-about it's predator?"

"A Jarvey," said Seamus.

"Correct," Quirrell said happily.

It turned into its Muggle form.

It fell over again. Quirrell got annoyed so he went to pick it up then rested his foot on the statue, which raised his dress robe from the floor.

The students giggled.

"How do you get rid of them?" Quirrell continued.

Autumn raised her hand. He pointed to her.

"Taking hold of the gnomes, swinging them around until they're dizzy, and then throwing them beyond the yard's perimeter fence or wall," she said.

"Yes. Let me demonstrate. We will go out-outside." Quirrell stated.

Quirrell used his wand to levitate off the ground. He lead the Gnome outside by using the box of candy. The class followed behind, but not too close. He went to an open area and grabbed the gnome.

It started saying "Gerroff me!"

The class caught up soon and the professor demonstrated.

He got rid of the Gnome and said, "If I didn't get rid of him p-properly, he'd laugh which means he would r-return but I think we're g-good. Now, the Gnome-control won't be here until tomorrow so, if you want to try getting rid of a Gnome from Madam Hooch's training g-grounds. Please s-step forward. You'll g-get experience, first h-hand." Quirrell looked at the students.

A fourth of the class volunteered including Kaitlyn, Autumn, Caleb, Aliya, Jade, Mary, Ebony and Tobias.

Neville, Maddie and others stay with the rest of the class who didn't want to take the chance.

It took them an hour to get rid of them.

Ebony got bitten which slowed her down as she tried to help the others. She almost threw a gnome beyond the walls of Hogwarts, but was unsuccessful.

Tobias was perfect and got rid of fifteen gnomes by himself.

Caleb and Autumn, both got rid of three.

Aliya, Mary and Jade got rid of nine.

"Well done. Excel-llent!" said Quirrell.

Little did Ebony know, she would receive a magical creative talent that will be a part of her for the rest of her life.

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