Eating Lunch and Receiving Mail

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Chapter 11: Eating Lunch and receiving mail:

Caleb was about to enter the Great Hall until Draco pulled him away from the doorway. He dragged him down the hallway to where Arlen, Crabbe, Goyle, Vincent, and Sebastian were patiently waiting.

"What's the meaning of this?" Caleb asked Draco.

"We're going on a secret mission." Draco responded.

Draco wouldn't tell them what it was. The only thing they knew was they had to pull something attached to a long rope, out of a room that was suppose to be locked. It was something Draco wanted.

As the other boys pulled, they were unable to look at the object.

"Run!" yelled Draco pulling a wagon with a hidden object. Draco bolted and left the other boys behind.

Crabbe and Goyle followed in pursuit and helped pull the wagon.

Vincent, Sebastian, Arlen, and Caleb heard a noise from the room. It groaned loud. The boys didn't hesitate. They ran for the Great Hall.

They entered the Great Hall, out of breaths after running great lengths.

"What was that?" asked Arlen.

"I don't know...." said Vincent.

"I'm not doing that again. That boy is crazy!" screamed Sebastian.

"Shouldn't we tell the professors?" asked Caleb.

"No!" answered the three in sync.

"First, we don't know what just happened. Second, Draco will hate us if we turn him in," said Vincent.

"Third, we never turn in fellow Slytherin," answered Sebastian.

"And last, we were involved. Points will be taken if they find out," stated Arlen.


Author's narration:
"Seamus was practicing charms with his wand. Neville and Dean were talking about boy stuff. Cass and Nadine were talking at the Gryffindor table. They seemed to be bonding together. Blake stayed at the table with Fred and George. The three of them were friends considering they were on the same Quidditch team. So, Kaitlyn and I walked over to Maddie at Hufflepuff table to see how her day was going."

"What classes did you have?" asked Kaitlyn.

"Charms and Astronomy. What about you?" replied Maddie, who felt she needed to ask.

"Transfiguration and Potions with Autumn. We were in the same class as Harry Potter!" she squealed, "I wonder if he has a girlfriend...."

Autumn interrupted, "I don't believe he does."

"Have you met any boys?" questioned Kaitlyn, eager to know the answer.

"Well.....there's been two," answered Maddie with a grin and blushing cheeks.

"Two?!" Kaitlyn and Autumn were thrilled and surprised at the same time.

"So quickly?" asked Kaitlyn in disbelief.

"What are their names?" asked Autumn, intrigued.

"Caleb......and Cedric. I mean I haven't talked to Cedric since I was sorted in Hufflepuff that night but......he's really cute and he's a third year." Maddie blushed.

"Wow. Two years ahead of you," replied Autumn, enjoying this juicy new information.

Kaitlyn was getting a little jealous.

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